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i pretty much give up.


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im dead serious. i give up. i have no friends, and obviously wont ever have any.


perfect example... my sister wanted to throw a party tonight since our parents are away for the weekend...... how many of my "45" friends from "facebook" showed up, or even bothered to respond? one. yeah, one. i only have "45" friends, and none of them gave a crap. everyone else has 100's of "friends" and everyone talks to each other.......... me? nobody.

i spent time in jail for DWI from november - march and not a single one of them bothered to show their face. nobody wrote, nobody asked how i was (despite the fact i made my contact info clear) .. and so on.


im just so sick of having no friends.. nobody around me that gives a crap. i go out, i do whatever i can for my friends. 2 nights ago, me and a "friend" were at a bar, he got too drunk so i drove home. i have no license cuz of DWI, and risked my entire world just to make sure he didn't get screwed....i was drinking, too.. and still drove to make sure HE didn't goto jail.....he'd never do that for me..........i show up when they need me.... yet when i need them, nobody's there. it's been like that since i was a teenager (25 now) and im just getting so sick of it.

i feel like my friends just want to use me, so when i go out i dont feel comfortable meeting new people because i believe they'll end up just like my POS current friends.


women, not attracted to me. friends, never there for me. the f-ck am i supposed to do? how much longer can i sit around and stare out my window?

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I'm sorry you have such a poor support network around you ...


foreget the room full of friends and concentrate and just a handful of decent people ..


do you see how they can do anything they want to you and your still there for them ...that's because they can ..your

a people pleaser , that is not an insult darling ....but you have no bounderies , no rules , you give your friendship unconditionally without them earning that kind of respect from you.


and yet your still sat on your own looking out of the window .


so it doens't work that way does it ...


what you did for your friend went above and beyond friendship ..you know the risks ..I don't know what a DW1 is but presume a driving offence , yet you drove and drove drunk ...don't ever ever go that far in a friendship again ..because

deep down you know if you ended up back in jail ..you would be there alone while your friends forget you ..


you don't have to do this to have friends .... a friend wouldnt let you risk your all and risk other people .


harden up ..for as long as you let people walk over you ...they will !

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