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I haven't decided yet on the stain. I want something that's going to keep it close to its natural colour without making it darker or shiny at all. I just bought a new bed with headboard and end boards that are solid wood with a slightly whitish tone to them. What's the term I am looking for when it's made to look slightly worn and older than it is? And I want the dresser to blend with that.


I'm not so great at decorating but competent at refurbishing and renovations. I agree it's therapeutic. Love seeing an end product unfold before my eyes, from my own hands.


The church pew sounds so cool! I've seen a restaurant here use them for some seating, and it was nice! What will you do with it?

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No way! That's a funny coincidence. That sounds neat.


I remember a friend of mine growing up, his parents had booths in the kitchen area. I loved it, always felt to me like being at a restaurant eating there. It was an old character house with so many fun little details, the way they had decorated it too was really welcoming and warm with lots of comfy spots to talk.


I'm getting excited now for revamping our space. Our dining area is currently more of a music area. Somehow our projects took over that zone. Anything we don't know where to place, we have put there. That will be the last place to reclaim. Honestly, we mostly eat in our living room anyways. I had a table there before and no one ever wanted to use it.

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I'm hoping to be able to protect it with the right clear coat...so that it can live outside at our dining table. It might not work though.


I did this dresser for a client a few years ago. I'd like to stain birch trees onto the pew...but we'll see what ends up happening.



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Just finished my final session in therapy. I teared up a little bit. We went over what I've done there over this last year. It seems like longer than that, I've got so much accomplished in there. I'm just grateful. It's there if I ever really need it, but, I learned so much and came so far, I really feel ok with it ending. It was time.

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This weather is wacky, even though it's expected to go up and down in spring. It went from close to freezing to plus 19 overnight.


I woke up sweating in my duvet. Still went outside in a coat, cause it seems too weird not to, and everyone is in shorts lol.


Yesterday I went to a nearby park for what turned into a few hours walk. It's a big park - with ponds and treed areas for on leash, and lots of open trails for off leash. I was in dog heaven - so many dogs running, playing, jumping in the water, and in their glory in little pacts. Really perked up my spirits to be out, in the sunshine but not hot out, getting some exercise outside and so many pups coming up to me for pets.


I thought about loaning my friends dog for walks again. I used to do that a lot, at least a few times weekly, to supplement the walking she does with him and cause I enjoy it so much ( but don't want full dog responsibilities for now. One day, not now).

He's so energetic, but a bit of a jerk sometimes lol. He certainly couldn't go off leash with the other dogs, which is too bad!


Outside presently enjoying just me time. Dinner tonight with the bf, and I won't be going in til then! We'll prep a bunch of food too so we can do picnics and outside meals after work during the week rather than cook inside when we both really just want to be out. Putting a plug in cooler in the back of the jeep was one of my best ideas ever ( not creative, but still, why didn't I do it before last year instead of hauling it in and out?!). It saves money, having to buy bottled water ever ( which I really hate to do!), and makes it so easy to do spontaneous mini trips without going home first or always eating at restaurants.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a 13 hour work day yesterday, followed by a regular work day today. I was tired but pushed myself into spending four hours when I got home on one of the online courses I am doing to beef up my resume ( and to get my brain back in learning mode). I'm satisfied and going to bed early tonight.

Little steps. Staying stagnant is bad for the mental health, learning and growing has to be a bigger priority - there has been enough of grinding away in my life to last a lifetime. I'm moving away from that, surely but surely

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Today was my day off from my regular job, so the bf and I went out of the city for the afternoon. Was fun. Checked out potential camp spots, walked some trails, went to see the snake dens ( it's mating season and it's pretty cool to see).


I've got the rest of the day to do whatever I want while he works. Trying to decide - gym? Meet someone for supper? Study? Do stuff to do with getting moms house in order?


It's a good day.

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Hi quirky!! How are you?!


I'm doing ok. Keeping busy. We have beautiful weather right now, and that always helps with moods. When I'm feeling sad, I like to go out and recharge in nature. It almost always helps.


Been missing mom a lot, of course. But the situational depression that was flirting with me has dissipated.

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Heading out early tomorrow for two days, one night of camping. I'm excited. All packed up and ready to go.

My birthday is just around the corner, and so I usually celebrate it on the long weekend. I almost always go camping or to a lake, since its opening season for it and plus it's one of my favorite things to do in the world.

When the bf asked what I wanted for my bday, I told him I honestly do not care if I get anything - except I'm going camping for at least a night, no matter what. If he could come, awesome! If not, I'm going anyways - it's sort of my thing, and all I really want.

He made sure to have tmw and Monday free so he's coming. Yay.

That's when I found out he's never slept in a tent. I thought he was pulling my lg at first, being as he grew up around here. Until he explained and I remembered how he grew up much wealthier than me - he always stayed at full cabins and hotels.


It's cute seeing him prepare. He made homemade meals. He's ready for a week trip and worried about not having something. I'm of the " grab a few things, and go, it's chill time!' mindset - it's how I relax. And we are hardly really roughing it lol.


Gonna be fun

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Sounds like an awesome weekend


I didn't camp when I was a kid (like your bf) but I love it now. I do more of glamping though. I mean, in a tent...but then I bring an inflatable air mattress that is raised to bed height, and I bring proper sheets and duvets. I think I just really need to be warm and comfortable when I'm sleeping. The rest is like "meh"....if we camp near a lake, my life is good! I hope your bf enjoys himself (so he'll want to go on more camping adventures with you) and I hope you have an awesome birthday weekend Enjoy

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Happy Birthday!


I'm trying to convince my boyfriend to go camping again. His first experience camping (outside of drinking at the lake when we were teenagers and passing out) was apparently horrible. I wasn't there, and I don't remember the whole story, but I think it ended with him being stuck in a canoe, yelling at all of his friends, and then stomping off in a fury. Lol. When we first started dating a couple of years ago, I convinced him to come camping with my cousins for a weekend. He had all sorts of anxiety because he likes a TOTAL. CONTROLLED. ENVIRONMENT. when he sleeps and you don't get that in nature. But he ended up having a lot of fun and sleeping great anyway. Plus, he discovered a love of grilling. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to coax him into camping since...

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Omg , we went camping in the Cypress Hills all the time, Pacific Rim National Park, Tofino , Banf etc etc.


I haven't been to Tofino yet, but i know I will in the next year or two. It sounds lovely. We love camping in cypress hills. Banff/Canmore is a day trip...so we usually just hike/snowshoe and go home.


You're totally going to end up living out west again lol.

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I haven't been to Tofino yet, but i know I will in the next year or two. It sounds lovely. We love camping in cypress hills. Banff/Canmore is a day trip...so we usually just hike/snowshoe and go home.


You're totally going to end up living out west again lol.



I love the west . I'm not sure if it's just sentimentalism , but I dream of going home to the Hat all the time . I'm sure Medicine Hat and Calgary are nothing how I remember them nor Vancouver for that matter . Tofino is so built up from when I was a kid . I've been in the east for 30 years now though . I was born here and my family is here . But Alberta really holds my heart .

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Thank you for all the birthday wishes!! ❤️ I had a really nice one. I've been in a happy state of mind since the weekend.

We camped out right beside a lake. I fell asleep to the sound of the water and fish moving. Woke up, opened the tent flap, and the lake right there.

The bf had a blast. Which made me really happy. We'll be doing camping like that together again.

Saw five bears. Including one tiny baby one, barely old enough to follow his mom. Unfortunately didn't get that little fluff on camera. But got a lot of shots of wildlife. Got soo close to wild bison- it was amazing.


When we came back, I've had meals with some of my favorite people. My bro brought me fresh fiddle heads, and took me out. I got fresh pickerel from a friend of mine . Two cakes. More meals.


For my actual birthday, the Bf surprised me after work and my coming home from a visit with a ' put your sandals on, let's go'- in the glove compartment was a sweet card and surprises to come. He drove us to a nice spot , made a blanket picnic with drinks, sushi, cake, presents, a balloon. It was perfect.


I'm enjoying myself, the weather, being happy. I miss my mom. I thought of her a lot as I thought of my years on this earth. It's my first one without her. She never failed to call me or wake me up on the dot I was born- late at night lol - and recount how joyous she was I was born. I missed that.


But she'd be happy I am doing my best to be happy, and take advantage of my time here . We never know how long we get. She knew way before me how important it is to savour every bit of it when we can. I can, so I'm going to. A big toast to her all along the way.

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