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Still without a woman


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I'm 25 and for many reasons, I feel I have been blessed. My only problem is the fact that I just don't find what I am looking for when it comes to women. I have never had a girlfriend and feel as if I have a problem. I know myself and I feel I am also a great guy who may have not been ready in the past but feels he should be getting a shot at love.

I want to share my feelings with others in a similar situation.


Take care,


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Ok, so you are almost 25, have friends (guys), like to go out, like to dance, want a steady girl or a girl to go steady with ... I don't see any problems. But, obviously, you do.


I know what you mean with the wanting a serious relationship. It has been burned into our heads pretty much that this is the proper way. But I have to say that most people don't own the product (girl or woman) they are showing off on their arms on late night dates. That doesn't mean a one night stand either though.


Maybe you should join a swing dance group, club, etc. You lear how to dance properly and maybe meet people with similar interests too. And if that doesn't work you might try some other social organization. Aerobics classes and dance classes in the local gyms. They have cheaper rates for students too (ID card).


Whatever you do, just try and be yourself and don't rush it. Despiration is not sexy.



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