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Guys - Which Do You Prefer?


Woman's Height - tall or short?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Woman's Height - tall or short?

    • Short (5' - 5'5)
    • Medium (5'5 - 5'7)
    • Tall (5'7 - 5'9)
    • Very Tall (6 Feet +)

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For a woman... I think men are intimidated by my height.
I am far from being intimidated by your height. I would turn my head big time if I saw a girl like you. Btw I am 6'6" so even with 4" heals I will still be taller than you. But you would match the height of a friend of mine (hes 6'5") lol.
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I am 5'9 and my ex GF was 5 11 and we never had any trouble for height although she did hint sometimes that she feels the "I am safe thing" if i would have bene taller. But i would like to be with someone who is not too short, even equal may be fine.

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Where are all these 5'10" and taller men? At an annoying 5'9 1/2", I find many guys who are the same height or shorter feel shy or intimidated by my height. I love personality, so I mean, height is just another physical attribute that doesn't detract from someone's heart. I def wouldn't be opposed to dating someone who's shorter.



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My current gf said that after she got divorced she would never date another man under 5'10". She's only 5'8", but her ex was even shorter than she was and had a "Napoleon complex". I personally would date almost any heighth of woman although I do prefer them do be taller than 5'7"...


My last ex was 5'1" and while she was fun to toss around in bed, she was just too small in general for me (I'm 6'1").

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height is just another physical attribute that doesn't detract from someone's heart. I def wouldn't be opposed to dating someone who's shorter.


Well said Jaela! D'you know, I think that not dating someone because of their height is really shallow and its almost a kind of racsism. Everyone would be better off just sticking to "Your not my type, sorry" rather than hurting someone's feelings by their lack of height (or too much of it). Height cannot be changed, neither can the colour of your skin.

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You should have added the option shorter then me, Thats all I care about. I dont have a specific height range she just has to be my height or shorter if she wants to date me. Now if it just a trip around the block, then a tall girl can be fun but I cant get serious with a a girl I have to literally look up to.

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height is just another physical attribute that doesn't detract from someone's heart. I def wouldn't be opposed to dating someone who's shorter.


Well said Jaela! D'you know, I think that not dating someone because of their height is really shallow and its almost a kind of racsism. Everyone would be better off just sticking to "Your not my type, sorry" rather than hurting someone's feelings by their lack of height (or too much of it). Height cannot be changed, neither can the colour of your skin.


Ok, I fail to see how heighth preference is racism... Care to say how you made that connection?


Regardless, having physical prefs is not shallow in the least. We all have a preference regardless of what we say, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't rule out someone that didn't match an exact pref you had. Women tend to value heighth more than men do, and usually do not like to date a man that is shorter than them or smaller than them (security and personal safety feelings). Most women like to feel "smaller" standing next to their man, and I do not say this in a male "pig" way either -- this is something that many women have told me and is openly accepted. Obviously the short guys will attract women too, but the number of shorter men with taller women is most likely low, if I were to guess.

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The thing is a guy generally likes for the girl to be shorter than he is...I don't know why...but if a girl were taller than me...she could only be so by about 1 or two inches at the most...and that would have to be because I was really really in love with her...but one would have to guess as to how I would ever get to that point to begin with since I would not let a taller woman even speak to me romantically for long...


I think a guy just wants a girl to be that basic 2 to 3 inches shorter than he is...if you are the same size, for some, that is intimidating...but if taller...well it is a turn off for some.


I think also if a girl is a like 5' 3" that is ok but that would be in my case the shortest that she could be and have me feel comfortable...


I am 5'7"


My reasoning is this...out of all the different people there are out there to choose from...why would I choose a girl that is taller than me...I am sure that I can find one as nice if not nicer who is shorter than me or my same height...so people take what they want and choose off of that.

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There are some girls I know who are taller then me 5'5 who I think are gorgeous but I would never even consider going out with them because of the height difference. Its not the girl its just all the things that go along with a short guy going out with a tall girl. Plus shorter girls tend to be a turn on.

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Geez, i dont see the big deal. Id be glad to just get a pretty girl that wouldnt mind going out with me, her height is the last thing id think about, short or tall. Imean you have to factor in so many other things, like her "figure".

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Ok, I fail to see how heighth preference is racism... Care to say how you made that connection?


..................................please read my post again before posting.

This is my opinion.................tut tut oh dear............


Re-read again... and again... and again....


I don't care if it's your "personal opinion" but combining someone's preference for heighth of a mate with calling them a potential racist is WAY over the top. By that motto, you're insinuating that certain races are short (read: stereotyping asians) and hence that is why heighth is a racist thing? Please explain instead of giving me the "read my post again" nonsense.

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I do not appreciate my posts being called nonsense Vert.

Oh yeah, "height" only has the letter "h" in it twice, not three times.


Height cannot be changed. Neither can the colour of your skin. So the link between the two is DISCRIMINATION. Racism is a type of discrimination.


Cheers Darkblue, glad someone is on the level.


Now to enjoy my Friday night, I'm done on this topic.

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I do not appreciate my posts being called nonsense Vert.

Oh yeah, "height" only has the letter "h" in it twice, not three times.


Height cannot be changed. Neither can the colour of your skin. So the link between the two is DISCRIMINATION. Racism is a type of discrimination.


Cheers Darkblue, glad someone is on the level.


Now to enjoy my Friday night, I'm done on this topic.


My apologies, I did not call your post "nonsense" but rather the assumption that it was like racism. I do see your point, but perhaps spoken a little better next time? When you say "is almost like racism" you are still equating it in general terms. I do understand, but next time be careful how you say it.

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Anywhere from 5-5'6. The current love of my life (although im not dating her again now, merely seeing her as a friends with benefits (think)) is only 4'11 i believe. Crazy small, but ssooo cute. Think she would have to be the smallest girl i could like tho.

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