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Is there anyone out there


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Hello everyone reading this. I have been dating this guy for almost a yr now and everything has been good but somtimes bad. He tells me he wants to marry me, have his childern, i talk with his family and everything. He even wants to take me to puerto rico with him in Febuary when he goes to visit his mom and dad and everyone else. Everything really is good or was I don't want to put my lilfes story out there. I just want to know is there a GIRL out thre that I can talk to about this. I need a friend right now. sorry guys but everytime i have tried to explain to a guy they don't understand. anyways u can IM on yahoo on aim or aol at XiLL3stqtx or email at email removed

thanks it would be appriecated

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I believe that you are making a mistake by only seeking one point of view. When you should be looking for the adivce that presents the best solution to your problem, the best solution isnt the easiest to deal with. Saying that men cannot relate to the problem is severly understimating men as a whole. You need to realize that you are 18 years old and you have the rest of your life to worry about marriage, children and things of that nature. You should be in search of a stable relationship, where you can have fun with him and vice versa. If you are posting in the infidelity forum then this is obviously an issue in your relationship. You need to look at what you have infront of you and then make your decision about what you need to do about this infidelity.

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hey i no how you feel i went out with a guy and after a month 1 month he was like that theres only one thing u can do and that is to slow things down or to stop it all together i stopped if u need ne more advice i love emailing and im always on like satinchild10(aim) email removed




hope this helps





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