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I have to pay for your gas?


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I have a buddy of mine, who I've been friends with since 2003. Almost 10 years now.


Long story short, he lives about 45 minutes away, and over the course of the last 3 years or so, I'd always drive out to his house to hang out with him, since he didn't have a car...and never once asked him for gas. It's time to grow up, and asking people to pay for your gas is stuff we used to do at 18 when we barely had jobs. The couple times he did give me gas, it would be like $5 or something small. I never made an issue over it. He's my friend and I don't expect my friends to pay for my gas.


I haven't seen him since before I went away for a few months last year.


Since I've been back, he's been telling me that we need to hang out and feels bad that he hasn't seen me since I've gotten home.


So this past weekend, I had a party at my house and invited a bunch of my friends. I invited him a few days earlier to give him notice, and he said he'd be down to come.


The day of the party comes, and during the evening I call him to see if he's going to come. He then goes on and on about how he has to put $40 gas in his car. I ask him what the big deal is, seeing how he's making plenty of money. (He just spent the week prior telling me about the $1,000 he pulled in, and his doing more stuff online to make more money frequently.)


He wants me to pay for his gas.


So I asked him "So... I have to pay for your gas to invite you to a party?" and he pretty much said "Well, yeah. I'm not going to do it..."

I pretty much hung up the phone at that point and haven't tried talking to him since.


What the hell? I drove out to his place 100's of times, never asked him for a dime. The times he DID give me gas, he was stingy with it... and he keeps talking about wanting to hang out every weekend -- yet I have to pay?


What kind of crap is this?

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Wow! r0ckox, you're entirely in the right here. Your "friend" seems super stingy and quite selfish as annie said. I don't understand people's mindset when they do things like this.


I wouldn't make any further effort to hang out with him. He should make it up to you for even suggesting you pay... if he makes no effort then he likely isn't as good a friend as you thought.

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He should be ashamed of himself, that level of stinginess is way too extreme that it's not even worth dealing with.


Tell him you'll give him just $5 like he did for you. But then he only gave you $5 several times out of the 100 or so times you visited him so you can give him roughly five cents each time he visits.


Tell him okay don't come then, and maybe call him an ahole. And tell him to ask anyone and they'll agree with you. Tell him there's a point where stinginess is too much even for friends, and this is an example of it. Just get mad at him, it worked for me, otherwise they don't care because they think they're right.

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