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This is a bit different to my usual poetry, as mine usually tends to have some sort of rhyme to it.. but please, criticise away!




I once made a promise to myself

Never to be taken away

From the solitude of my singledom

Forged in my stone cold heart.


The bubble I created to protect me

Couldn’t shield me from everything

I grew cold and lonely

My life became unbearable.


I would cry at night

Hoping I could find the one

The one person I would share

The rest of my life with.


I found this in you.


You unlocked my heart

With a key of warmth and love

With laughter and affection

And the chains fell away.


You made me feel safe

In a way I have never felt

You have shown me

A different kind of love.


And though I still cry at night

It is tears of joy rather than sadness

At my fortune of having found

A gem so precious and rare.


You resurrected me.

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