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Ideas??? Can i get him to come out and say that he likes me?


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Ok well i like this guy right. I think that he likes me. hes giving me strong vibes anyway.


Well i know ppl say theres a specail way to get guys or something? Like to inore them almost, and still act like you interested. Well i have no idea what i am talking about.


See i just want him to realize i lke him, but like sorta hide it or something to where he will act more desperate or w/e and will just like come out. Is this possible??? Or am i crazy.


he one of those guys who is really funny, and i love to laugh you see. So yeah. He knows how to be mature when he needs to be and stuff like that. If you need to know more, just ask me.


Any ideas for this would be great. Thanks

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Ok well i like this guy right. I think that he likes me. hes giving me strong vibes anyway.


Well i know ppl say theres a specail way to get guys or something? Like to inore them almost, and still act like you interested. Well i have no idea what i am talking about.


See i just want him to realize i lke him, but like sorta hide it or something to where he will act more desperate or w/e and will just like come out. Is this possible??? Or am i crazy.


he one of those guys who is really funny, and i love to laugh you see. So yeah. He knows how to be mature when he needs to be and stuff like that. If you need to know more, just ask me.


Any ideas for this would be great. Thanks


ignoring thing will work for some guys, but for me, if i can tell a girl's deliberately messing with my head like that, i'm gonna forget her, and go after somebody else.

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talk to him, smile at him, send him clear messages that you are interested in him. I read in some study that playing hard-to-get is actually bad for impressions. Anyways smile at him lots, talk to him lots, and wait for him to make a move. if he doesnt.... meh hes too much of a sissy.

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If you want him to simply just tell you if he likes you or not then its quite simple,....ask!, I am a guy and even if hes shy this should work because im shy and if a girl asks right, Ill tell them. Do it after he makes you laugh look in his eyes, that way he knows you are serious but have a smile on your face and still kinda laughing so he kinda gets the hint you like him and just come out and say, "do u like me" or something maybe dress it up. if he says no and blushes or looks away he does, if hes says yes, then hes been waiting for you to ask him or for a good chance to express it.

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I just cant ask a guy though. i just cant.

I need alternitives. I know i should, but i just cant ask him if he likes me. i mean i can talk to him welll, just cant ask guys. I can ask my really close guy friend. and we can talk about anything and everything, b/c he is like my brother... but thats different.....

Blah... i know im being stubborn....sry

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Well tonight im just not sure if he likes me yet out not.i mean he talked to me during inspection. Then at half time i went and got something to eat, i sat with my friends and he came up and sat behind me.... i took some of his popcorn. To kinda give him a hint. Then i burped.... hes like good job then he burped and was like... beat that. ... but yeah. Then i went back to where i was supposed to be. I buped again as this guy walked by. He was like will have was rude. i was like. Im sorry. would it help if i said excuse me??? He was like yesh, a little bit. so i did. he was like yeah well i dont like that... Sam(guy1) might though. by the way this was guy 3 that was talking to me.

Sam came over and stood beside me and played later in the game.


so yeah.....


i dont know if he likes me or not....

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another long post by me, but still read it, it might help you!!


the guy obviously likes you, even if its currently just a mate. i talk to lots of girls in the way hes talking to you, but i mean it as just being friendly.


get to know him better is the best thing i can say, let him get to know you more and feel more open around you...heres some random ways how to do that ....


first get talking to him, at some point ask whats hes doing over the weekend and if he wants 2 hang out with u sometime, get his phone number or msn address or something (alot easier to talk to ppl u dont know that well over msn!! trust me).


heres some phrases to use in conversations that will help!


"i like you" - not in the asking out kind of way, in the meaning of 'your cool' if u kno what i mean, all in the way you say it.


"aww, so cute" - if hes says something sweet or really nice about something, even if its just like a cat or something.


lol just been told those 2 off a mate (whos a girl and says they work


give him a friendly hug when u see him and say hi. will help him feel more open with you without making it look as if u just want 2 hug him cos u like him lol, not sure if im helping here, if im not just post back telling me im talking total cr@p.


you dont want 2 ask him out or ask if he likes you, so u sorta gotta get him to say it instead... in a way msn can help a bit if your a kinda shy person, use the ( { ) smilie which is a hug when he says something cute or cool, and see if he does it back, if he does the next time you see him, in a joking way say "you owe me a hug" or something and hug him, will show u like him, *hmm!! ill try that 1 and tell u if it works lol!*


another random thing over msn is to ask him what he generally thinks of you, and reply jokingly with "aww, i love you thats so cute", its said in a joking way as to 2 not actually be saying you love him, but at the same time it is in a way. and see what his reaction to that is.


or if you want to do it an even shyer way, email him a survey thing, there just a list of 40 or so questions about yourself that they answer and send back to you. good way of finding out what he thinks of u, and you can ask him about the answers he gives, and you havnt actually 'asked' him the question, hes just read it from a ready made set of questions.


i got a fairly good 1 if u want me 2 send you it, pm me if you want it BandNerd1001.


n e ways...enough of this post now, its getting kinda long and i keep meaning to do short ones lol.

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I'm in pretty much the same situation as you right now and my one little bit of advice to you is - don't try the ignoring thing! I tried it and it went horribly wrong, he started ignoring me back and it made me feel horrible cos he'd talk to my friends. I never thought things would go back to normal but eventually they did actually they're even better but I still don't know if he likes me or if he's just really friendly.

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give him a friendly hug when u see him and say hi. will help him feel more open with you without making it look as if u just want 2 hug him cos u like him lol, not sure if im helping here, if im not just post back telling me im talking total cr@p.



Well i dont give him hugs, it would be kinda weird, since i dont even give my other guy friends hugs... you know. I do like give him a five everytime i see him though. And we will talk and all that good stuff. when we rode the same band bus on the way back to the school we would have conversations so long that they will take up the bus ride.


friday we were talking and he asked me a question, when he was he kinda like held my hand.

Like a week before that he asked me another guestion, he stood infront of me, and put both of his arms on my shoulders.


See if he does like me, i dont know if he will tell me. i think this is b/c we both are like...... No likes me, no ever will. so yeah...

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friday we were talking and he asked me a question, when he was he kinda like held my hand.

Like a week before that he asked me another guestion, he stood infront of me, and put both of his arms on my shoulders.



what were the questions that he asked you?

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they were just simple out of the odinary questions.

Like can i barrow your trumpet, do you have an extra moth piece i could use? Stuff like that. Stuff he could have asked others.


Today at practice, we were in our sections and playing. While that he came over beside me a stood, he was ike i'll play with the trumpets.


But yeah..

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Ok i was gonna ask him if he wanted to see a move with me on halloween, today... but i only saw him this morning. We had PSAT testing, so i didn't see him, and he didn't stay after for all-state practice.


When i did se him thing morning i was standing by the door in the band room and he gives me a small punch on the shoulder and oks back and smiles and i was like hey you and waved.


Yeah i let you know as soon as i can though.



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