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spanish class is my favorite part of the day.....


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Theres this guy in my spanish class. He is SO unbelievably cute, its undescribable. Now, very rarley do I have a crush on a guy.....I know, that sounds weird and uncanny, but thats just the kind of person I am....I guy has to be really special, very unqiue, very differentiated for me to like him. I don't know what it is about this guy......its not just his looks, (but trust me, if there was a contest, he'd so win! ) but theres something different about him.....he's a little shy..like me....he sits right behind me in class. He's very polite. Like whenever I pass back papers he always says "thank you", like he means it. nobody else says that.....i know, I'm proably being a little dramitic.....i notice the littllest things, I can't help it. He stares at me a lot too.....I just want him to know I'm interested, without tottally giving it away. I heard there are things you can do with your eyes.....any ideas?




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When you pass the papers back, just look at him in the eyes. Eye contact is a good way to show someone you like them.


Next time you get a test passed back, or homework, ask him how he did. Is he good at Spanish? If he's having trouble, you could offer to help him study or something. If you have a test coming up, ask him if he would help you study.


Those would be good ways to get to know him and show him that you are interested without really telling him.

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