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I have lost all faith in women .....


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I sware I am losing all faith in women. I would be content if I can only find ONE that will actually stop and commit and not screw around with me behind their predisposed boyfriend's back for sexual purposes of sexual infidelity. But I am started to doubt even any of those exist.


Actually, this sort of makes me not want to have a relationship at all. I never could put up with a women's crap anyways. I always have to put them in their place and when I take off they try crawling back, but I am not having any more of that.


I figure that if I am going to be tricked into raising another man's child I might as well go find some reject who was abandoned by both of their parents to raise. Problem solved...


Women are such users...

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Hey there, I'm sorry your encounters with women have been so negative lately. You are 23, one year older than me. I can tell you that there are a ton of women out there who will not use you, but unfortunately they are hard to find.


For example, I have two great single friends who are wonderful women... one is 24 and one is 23... but they are busy with their careers so they don't get to go out much. Nice women might be harder to find, but we do exist. I hope you find one soon!


Grrr... sometimes I get so mad at my gender. Women like that ruin chances for women like me and others on this board!

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I would be content if I can only find ONE that will actually stop and commit and not screw around with me behind their predisposed boyfriend's back for sexual purposes of sexual infidelity. But I am started to doubt even any of those exist.


No offence bud, but if you know that the girl has a boyfriend in the first place, why do you start anything with her in the first place? That's like playing with fire and gasoline; it's bound to blow up in your face. Why get involved in the first place?


I think there are some decent women out there. The catch? Find one who YOU KNOW - doesn't have a boyfriend.

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I would be content if I can only find ONE that will actually stop and commit and not screw around with me behind their predisposed boyfriend's back for sexual purposes of sexual infidelity. But I am started to doubt even any of those exist.


No offence bud, but if you know that the girl has a boyfriend in the first place, why do you start anything with her in the first place?


I think there are some decent women out there. The catch? Find one who YOU KNOW - doesn't have a boyfriend.


Basically all girls [except for homely,manly,or fat ones] have boyfriends, and half of them are discontent and looking for someone better anyways. I really don't care if a girl has a boyfriend and is being responsive to me, but I am getting tired of the non-commited sex. One-night-stands really suck in the long run.

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Hero...apparently your only a price tag away from being a hooker. I don't think I ever said to myself after a fling that I lost faith in women. I may say, this is not my type of woman. Maybe if it was some other guy she banged, then I would start losing faith women. I never thought it was wrong for women to cheat as long as it was with me(some how I find logic in this). Personally I think your story is just arrogant BS to make everyone thing you're a stud. I agree with Ocean Eyes...if your against it, why you encouraging it? Then complaining about it? If women want you this badly and your this much of a stud then I would think you would have little time finding a committed girlfriend and you probably wouldn't be here.



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All girls except homely,manly,or fat ones]have boyfriends. That is so untrue I have dated many that have not had BF and were very nice looking and had great personalities to. Its just if you date a women that has a BF why would you expect them to be faithful to you?


Just find a single woman and I really think that would solve your problems.

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Dude, I know how you feel. I've had many crappy relations, seen many of my friends get hurt, and had began to lose faith, until I met the girl I am with now. That's what it comes down to, you have to find someone that interests you and respects your decisions. Relationships are a two way street.

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Actually, this sort of makes me not want to have a relationship at all. I never could put up with a women's crap anyways. I always have to put them in their place and when I take off they try crawling back, but I am not having any more of that.



Women are such users...


I wonder if the reason you cannot find a nice girl has something to do with that sort of attitude. I am a smart, attractive, fit, active, funny woman with a big heart and am very loyal (aka would never cheat!)...but if someone has that attitude there is no way I am going near that. Being judged as a user or having someone think they are going to have to put me in my place...well...BIG RED FLAG. You might not say it...but a woman can sure sense it.

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Actually, this sort of makes me not want to have a relationship at all. I never could put up with a women's crap anyways. I always have to put them in their place and when I take off they try crawling back, but I am not having any more of that.



Women are such users...


I wonder if the reason you cannot find a nice girl has something to do with that sort of attitude. I am a smart, attractive, fit, active, funny woman with a big heart and am very loyal (aka would never cheat!)...but if someone has that attitude there is no way I am going near that. Being judged as a user or having someone think they are going to have to put me in my place...well...BIG RED FLAG. You might not say it...but a woman can sure sense it.


You're also not looking at it from the view point of a guy.


First, women often times intentionally test men just to see if they will stand up to them.


Second, I have never found a girl I would consider to be 100% faithful to anyone.


Third, I was treated like crap by girls for being a nice guy growing up and now just getting out of a jerk like phase I have been in for the past few years to try to compensate for that mess.


Now how am I suppose to find a girl that I can trust when I have been jacked around my whole life?


More specifically, who would want someone who has been jacked around like this other than someone who would otherwise jack around?


You see my point ...

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Hero...apparently your only a price tag away from being a hooker. I don't think I ever said to myself after a fling that I lost faith in women. I may say, this is not my type of woman. Maybe if it was some other guy she banged, then I would start losing faith women. I never thought it was wrong for women to cheat as long as it was with me(some how I find logic in this). Personally I think your story is just arrogant BS to make everyone thing you're a stud. I agree with Ocean Eyes...if your against it, why you encouraging it? Then complaining about it? If women want you this badly and your this much of a stud then I would think you would have little time finding a committed girlfriend and you probably wouldn't be here.




That's not the problem ... I don't want the promiscuious girls that I always seem to find anymore. And I have absolutly no clue how to keep a woman besides the motions of taking aritcles of clothing off, and all of the girls that I have ever been with have only wanted this from me. You can say it is arrogent BS, but I know my past better than you do so it really doesn't matter what you think. I don't know what else to say.

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Let's try to avoid flaming here, I see where this post is going and it appears to be in that general direction.


Hero - I think I know where you're coming from and can understand what you're feeling. After a certain amount of disappointment and pain, you eventually do start losing faith in something. It can go this way with anything; religion, relationships, work matters, friendship, etc.


I've always had a lot of trouble trusting men. There are a lot of reasons for this that I won't get into since this is your post, but believe me, it's taken a lot for me to trust the one I'm with now. I dated a lot of guys who turned out to be jerks; messed me around, lied, cheated. I came to the realization that I was the one who was actually attracting and choosing these guys in the first place. In 99% of the cases, I would know exactly who these guys were before I started anything with them - but I always chose to ignore it because I was caught up in lust and excitement. Lust and excitement is great, but it gets old fast if there's nothing else behind those 'novelty feelings'; trust, honesty, compassion, integrity, and generousity to name a few.


After years of dating the wrong guys, I've learned that it was me who always put myself in those positions. It looks like you are too, dating girls with boyfriends, or the kind who will jump into bed with you on the first night. If you want to change your life and add some real substance to it, you have to change who you choose to have in your life. If you choose women who are not the typical woman that you would have dated, and ultimately, change your selection criteria, you should be able to change your whole approach to dating in general.


I've been in your shoes. Take some time and be single for a while, don't get involved with anyone. If you jump right into another relationship, even if it's only a one-nighter, I think you'll just end up staying in this rut. Step back and relax to get a better perspective. Believe me, there are probably a lot more women than men who will tell you, "I've lost faith".

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