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No Contact After It's All Been Said and Done

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We've been broken up 6 months.

I love him, he loves me.

But he needs "time" and is "going on his own road for a while"

Everything's been said. We're not mad or fighting, we're on great terms.

But it hurts too much to be around him and not have him.

I can't stand the thought of losing him forever, though.

Do I go for no contact now? Will that mean possibly losing him for good, even though everything's cool between us?

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Boston... I posted on your first thread...


You have nothing to lose by pulling out. Nothing unless you like being strung along, confused, hurt, and constantly uneasy. What happeneds when he dates other girls then how are you going to feel. If you are on good terms that is great, but what if he only decides to be your friend and you have been waiting on him for months and months...


NC will not mean losing him anymore then if you continue talking to him. If you keep talking to him then what he will all of the sudden realize he loves you? I do not think it works that way. NC is for you and you alone. If and when he is serious in getting back with you he will let you know. Let him know not to contact you until that is what he wants and that you will not contact him until you are ready to just be friends. End all this confussion Boston.


Get on with you.... That is the best choice there is...

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I konw this sounds bad, but look at it this way, you spilt up, you have lost him. Your old relationship is no more, lets try a new one, BUT let him get himself sorted, try soo hard just to get out of his life, kinda disapear, its THE fastest way to get him back,and for him to heal, you cant be around for this time, you dont want it going on for a year do you? Well by my mistakes, let him go......For now!

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I agree with the others. You need to go into NC. Work on yourself and what you want. Stop being strung along by him. He has no reason to not string you along (except for morals) so he will.


It is hard, but I think you must do it. No phone calls. No e-mail. No text. Pretend to forget and then you will. Easier said than done, I'm still working on the forgetting part (I have no problem with NC now).


But you have already lost him and there is nothing that you can actively do to get him back in my opinion. You now need to get yourself back!

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I agree, if he actually does still love you as you said, he will realize when you stop calling etc that he misses you and really loves you. If you do NC and he doesn't realize that, then it probably wasn't meant to be anyway. If he does contact you, don't pressure him to make a decision, or tell him you love him so much etc, that will likely just push him further away.



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