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So now I'm REALLY 20 and still in the rut

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Not really looking for advice here but I just wanted to talk because I don't have anyone else to talk to. Well my 20th bday was a few days ago and it passed with a whimper. Nobody (except my parents) wished me and then I realized what a lonely loser I really was. I kept trying to avoid facing this reality but it struck me on that day. I was probably hoping for a last minute miracle but now I realize I can honestly that say that I whizzed through my teen years without ever getting a kiss,or even a hug from a girl. Life sucks in that way aye. Now no girl would be willing to accept a guy who's been single that long. Her first reaction would be, "se must be weird,better for me not to date him" and it starts a vicious cycle.


I realize there are a LOT of single guys at my age but I make the distinction between those who have ALWAYS been single and those have not. There is such a huge difference.

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Whats up bro,


My last birthday party was at age 7. Now that i'm 34, I don't want no party now anyway(presents are accepted though!).


I think there may be something wrong with your lifestyle. Why don't you explain to us what your routine is. Do you go out at all? Have friends? Give us some details.


I had a friend from childhood that didn't have his first kiss till he was 22. My x stopped over one night, she was looking all kinds of good, and then she had her pig friend with her. So I had to call my neighbor up to come entertain her. As me and my x tried figuring out how to get them together, they figured it out themselves and kicked us out of the room. By this time it was 7am, just in time for my father to walk naked through the house as me and my x sat on the couch with our jaws dropped.



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I have always been single but im only 17 but i still feel bad that guys like us are more ignorant to women then some 12 year olds.I mean even if we had a chance to get gf what would happen when they found out that we have no experience what so ever?I dont think they would like having a guy who is about as immature with women as a 12 year i mean knowing how to do things.Its like a lot of girls at my age are already having sex and i havent even kissed one for real yet what would they think.They would be prolly like "wow... this loser doesnt even know to kiss" cause they like having guys that can give them something to enjoy.And no loser who has never done thigns like that cannot give them something to enjoy.Most guys consider us guys who r virgins too sex with girls consider them a loser at my age....So if we havent even had a girl or hugged a girl at our ages i guess we are really big losers...

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You all are not losers, when you are 40 and never kissed a girl...now you will be a loser. I was fortunate when I was younger I never had to lie about sex, but I had A LOT of friends who did.


I had a childhood friend, we will call him Frankie. Frankie used to lie his butt off about all the girls he has been with. He was almost 19 and still cherry. He was a good looking guy, better looking then myself. I hooked him up with this hot chick one day, I originally liked her but she liked him, so it was cool with me. Well one day I run into the girl and she wants to talk to me. She tells me that Frankie doesn't want to do nothing with her, that she been making advances and he keeps avoiding it. Right there it hit me...he was cherry...she agreed. Now Frankie is not a loser, and he lost his virginity at 18 maybe 19, I don't know his birthday.


Now the other point, don't be afraid of being inexperienced. If you mess up kissing, just say you just came from the dentist or something. We all go through this stage. Another solution is to find someone you don't really like, but likes you, mess around with her for the experience. It will probably all come very naturally.



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Guys, dont sweat it. I was never kissed until I was about 17, and lost my virginity at 20. Shinobie, I know there's lots of pressure and stuff like that in highschool, but you're just a teenager. Enjoy being young. Besides, most young guys lie about not being virgins just as a previous poster said. Those immature kids who tease other about never getting laid? They've probably never gotten to second base.


There's nothing shameful over being a virgin. My friend Josh is 25 and he's still one.

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Hey buddy. Some girl is going to find you, unspoiled, unrotten, without any baggage from earlier relationship and realize what a gem that is. That is so rare these days! Girls would probably kill for that. You probably don't have the disgusting and ridiculous habits that others have, such as taking things for granted, having hurt and bitterness built up. Girls wouldn't see that as an inadequecy. Perhaps they'd see that you've never been in a relationship as an asset, and would gladly want to be the first girl you loved. Or something like that, you know what I mean?


You're only 20, man. Don't worry!!



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