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Girls is it us that always has to come up to you


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Ok this is really annoyin but never once have i went up 2 a girl and started talkin 2 em but it seems that sometime soon imma have to do it and i have no clue how 2 .. Girls ask me out but i reject em but i guess that how you turn down us .. but how should we approach girl that like stares at you in class u see her out the corner of your eye and u like her back how are you to approach that?






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Small talk, "Hey how are you today?" "Hey, you get a haircut?" or even stupid stuff, "can i copy down the homework/do you know if we had any homework in ________'s class? Because I don't understand it, what about you?"




Aireyc's way is good as well

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In response to the title "YES" its the first test she gives you, if you can't get past that, your out.


Girls ask me out but i reject em but i guess that how you turn down us


Your complaining about having to walk up to girls but you turn down the ones that come up to you? Did I get that right? Are they really that far off you scale?


its hard eh especially when shes got friends around her..... darn girls, they gotta walk alone more to give the guys more chances!


Never gonna happen, get use to talking to them in groups.

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