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BIG problem! Help?


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Tsk tsk. I'm 20 something and I STILL don't understand. Get prepared because your love life will only get MORE confusing as you get older!!!

Why do you think there are so many relationship books?

Now on a positive note. . .

A girl might like you if she smiles a lot, flirts with you, tries to get close to you. But, only you can tell if you like someone. When you think of someone how does she make you feel? Happy? do you get butterflies when you see her or think about her? Do you daydream about being with that person?

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Ya, well... No girls actually try to get close to me... and they don't flirt with me, or smile a lot at me...


Have you actually looked? No. . . I mean really LOOKED. Most guys I know never really notice when girls are attracted to them. They practically have to be hit on the head with a boulder to notice. Girls do very subtle things, except the easy girls. And I know you don't want an easy girl. Holding eye contact can be a hint too. But you actually have to take your time to notice this. Try to relax about finding a girlfriend and be more receptive. You'll be surprised at who may be "looking".

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Hey! Welcome to the world I live in - it's ppretty damn similar. I'm a Junior in high school and I have never been on a date. Homecoming is in a week and a half at my school, but chances are I'm going single.


Sole gave good advice as well and in my case, I need to get hit over the head with a big boulder to notice.


Now, u don't have a gf, but don't worry. Chances are you're experience so far won't be quite as bad as mine. Here we go:


Girl # (Grade) Relationship now

1.) "Let's just be friends" (8) - When HS started, we went with different friends

2.) "Okay" then 30 minutes later "No" (9) - I don't really know her - she's not smart at all and it's hard to have a convo w/ her.

3.) "Never" (10) - We talk sometimes, but I don't know her too well.

4.) "Avoided me" -Now we get along, but I wouldn't go out w/ her now

5.) "Blocks me when I say hi" - I'm still laughing


So as you can see, chances are that you will find a girl at your school and it will be easier than this. Good luck!

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This may sound weird... but I think weight lifting / working out benefits most people...Sure I hated it at first, but when you start to see the progress you have made, losing weight, and putting muscle back on..... Then your like, "Sup ladies...." and they are like "omg omg omg" something like that hehe...


If you don't like to workout thats fine, just try fun, and try to be yourself, even though sometimes its the hardest thing you will ever do...



The things you are doing now, make what you will become later.

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Thats what im doing I started working out. I cant wait to see progress. Maybe in a nother month or 2 ill will start to see things happening. It's a good confidents builder. Right Now im just a lanky bastered I decieded to do something about it and start eating more and working out.

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You see... I never actually wanted to get a girlfriend until about last year and this year... I'm in grade 9 and I can't tell if any of the girls I like like me, or really if I like anybody... Can you help me? Love Life is confusing...


Well if your not sure that you even like anyone dont rush anything. Just be cool, and just b/c ppl round you are couples doesn't mean you have to be one. Flirt with the girls that you may like, if they flirt back there might be a chance they like you.

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Ya it doesnt really matter mang i have been seeing lots of people in relationships like all my friends mang.Even the ones i have met online and met in person like this previous marriage all have girlfriends and im liek the only girlfriendless one there.I would like one but i have never had one and it doesnt seem like i will get one anytime soon so it doesnt really matter.If u turn out like me just get used to not having any gf's you will have your ups and downs like me with my depression but try to become a person that can get gf's.Dont turn out to be a loser liek me who cant get gf's mang i dont want u to be like me and other people.

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Shinobie I've been reading some of your posts and this is CRAZY but you have to PM me with a pic or something to back up your self deprecating comments. I want proof you're ugly!! You may think you're ugly because you have low self-esteem (been there done that) but in reality you aren't ugly you just have low self-esteem that is reflected in your personality/energy, attitutude, etc.

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Iono i suck


I refuse to believe you're ugly until I get some real proof!!!! Your attitude about yourself and your self-esteem is ugly. And those things have no influence on your natural appearance!!! ](*,)

I'm not trying to be hard on you because I've been in your shoes, but gosh you're overdoing the "Im-a-loser" thing!!

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I already do like somebody... except she has a boyfriend already... I found her staring at me in french class yesterday... I saw it out of the corner of my eye, then looked back a couple seconds later and she was still looking...

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I already do like somebody... except she has a boyfriend already... I found her staring at me in french class yesterday... I saw it out of the corner of my eye, then looked back a couple seconds later and she was still looking...


There's a girl that I like. But I think she has a boyfriend, I mean come on, she's ****** hot!!! Sometimes I wonder if she's too good for me.

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I already do like somebody... except she has a boyfriend already... I found her staring at me in french class yesterday... I saw it out of the corner of my eye, then looked back a couple seconds later and she was still looking...


HA! I knew there'd be girls looking if you were observant! See how easy that was? Unfortunately she's taken. I in your shoes right now on that. You should see my post under dating about "Guys explain yourself. Girls does it happen to u" It really sucks when you like someone and they like you back but they're taken! But keep in mind there are definitely other girls looking at u. You just have to keep being observant. Who knows the next girl may be single!!

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There's a girl that I like. But I think she has a boyfriend, I mean come on, she's ****** hot!!! Sometimes I wonder if she's too good for me.


Why do you wonder that? She probably isn't too good for you she's just dating someone right now.

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ugh... another problem...

I found a girl I like. She's single. I'm gonna try for a relationship. BUT! I don't know if she likes me... you see, my friend who's good friends with her says she likes me... but she says she doesn't like me. I don't get it! Please help!

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ugh... another problem...

I found a girl I like. She's single. I'm gonna try for a relationship. BUT! I don't know if she likes me... you see, my friend who's good friends with her says she likes me... but she says she doesn't like me. I don't get it! Please help!


Did she tell you she didn't like you to your face or is it hearsay? Either way she probably said she didn't like you because she wasn't sure if you liked her and she didn't want to get rejected or embarrassed. What makes your friends think she likes you? Did she tell them? If she did then she likes you for sure. Or either she talks about you soooo much they figured out she likes you.

How does she act when she's around you?

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She said she didn't like it to my face... well... she was looking at her friend and I was sort of looking at my book... but my friend said he heard her telling her friend she likes me... and whenever I'm near him and her he goes, there's *my name*! and she blushes and screams at him "I DON'T LIKE HIM!"

I dunno... she might just be embarrassed or she might like me... anyway. Whenever she's around me she just acts normal and sorta ignores me... but I'm not sure if she's lookin at me or the teacher or these weird posters... but during "Independent Reading Time" she looks over in my direction....

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She said she didn't like it to my face... well... she was looking at her friend and I was sort of looking at my book... but my friend said he heard her telling her friend she likes me... and whenever I'm near him and her he goes, there's *my name*! and she blushes and screams at him "I DON'T LIKE HIM!"

I dunno... she might just be embarrassed or she might like me... anyway. Whenever she's around me she just acts normal and sorta ignores me... but I'm not sure if she's lookin at me or the teacher or these weird posters... but during "Independent Reading Time" she looks over in my direction....


Oh yeah I remember those days! When I was your age I would do the exact same thing as her!! She DEFINITELY likes you. Here's why I think so. She tells some of her friends she likes you when you're not around. She's counting on her friends not to tell you or the rest of her friends this. But something like this ALWAYS leaks out. So to save face she says she doesn't like you when you're around to make it seem as if all of her friends are lying and teasing about her liking you. This sounds confusing but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say here. Anyway, she's not gonna confess how much she likes you until you say something to her first. You basically have to come right out and flirt with her until both of you are comfortable enough to exchange phone numbers. But try not to flirt in a crowd or when you all are around your friends because she will keep denying her true feelings about you when she's around you AND everyone else. If you're confused by something, let me know and I'll make it clearer

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It makes perfect sense to me. Thanks!


But the problem is, we're never alone. She's either in a large group of people, or we're in english class. Whenever we're in english class the teacher is there. I'm gonna try and get her MSN address if she has one which I'm pretty sure she does. lol. I'm still open for suggestions and everything so if you want to add something feel free!

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