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I'm so frustrated with men I should be gay!


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I am sooo frustrated with guys right now that I would've turned gay if I was attracted to women. But I'm straight so that's a no go. Anyway, I met this guy in college about 2 mths ago. He's hot, smart, and he seems kinda popular. Well, we keep checking each other out everytime we see each other. We both do the smile, "hey how's it going", and then we stare each other up and down as we're smiling and speaking. Yesterday I saw him talking with some friends. Before I walked past them, all of them turned around to look at me. Then as I passed them, I looked towards "him" to speak. But he kept on talking and didn't acknowledge I was there!!

I didn't want to say "hi" before I got to him because I wasn't sure if that was him before I got closer. So I waited until I got closer. Do you think he believed I was snubbing him from afar? I wonder if he asked his friends what they thought about me and it wasn't good? Which would explain why they all looked at me. This is driving me CRAZY! Friggin' stupid guys!

Sorry to all of the open direct guys out there!! ](*,)[/b]

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probably means he did bring u up to his friends and they were just taking a good look at you.



With guys its also highly possible that he iddnt turn around to talk to you out of shyness and intimidation. I know you guys are good friends but his attitude will change if he begins to like you.

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Ok, when I was in collage if given my choice of speaking to a girl that I did not know for sure was interested in me, or just asking some guy to punch me in the face. I'd have gone for the punch in the face, it hurt less.


Give the guy time to feel a little secure, flirt a little, just talk to him.


Also remember that guys that have an easy time starting a "relationship" with a girl, also have a pretty easy time ending them. So be a little patient, or maybe a little helpful.

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This is so tough! I don't see him that often. And I'm not sure if he has a girlfriend. So, if I stop to talk to him I don't want to get in a catfight with his angry girlfriend if he has a girlfriend. And I don't want to get the why-do-you-want-to-talk-now-can't-you-see-I'm-talking-to-friends look. (aka: rejection.) And even if he has a reputation I don't think I'm hideously ugly because I just heard a group of guys talking about how good I looked and guys do check me out. Although this still baffles me a little (maybe because I had low self esteem for most of my life). But back to my reply. . .

how does his behavior translate? I'm still at a loss.

For all the guys, what did it mean when you did this?

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