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Boyfriend is very religious; I'm very not


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  • 3 months later...

OP here: well, it looks like I spoke too soon about all this. It turns out he's not so happy with the idea of giving up his good standing in the church, and I've been feeling more and more pressure (due to the situation, not directly from him) to shift my beliefs in a direction that's more compatible with his for the sake of our relationship. It's been causing me a lot of stress and unhappiness. We're at a standstill right now, because neither of us wants to ask each other to change our beliefs, but at the same time, we won't be able to build a long-term future together if everything stays how it currently is. For him, he's resolved this in his mind by saying he loves me so much that he's content with just being my boyfriend forever (without getting married, having children, or ever having sex)... which is sweet I guess, but also really depressing. I never signed up to be celibate for life! I also feel like I've fallen out of love with him and that our friendship dynamic is better than our romantic one. So, I don't have high hopes for this lasting much longer.


Thanks again to everyone who replied to this! I really appreciate it, even if the ending might not be so happy after all.

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As an atheist, if I HAD to convert in order for things to be smooth, that'd be a dealbreaker for me. It would be a false conversion to say the least. There's no way I'd go through the motions, go to church, etc. For anyone.


I'm worried about how its going to affect him long-term to have a "bad standing" in his church. I mean, it's really ridiculous to shun a church member based on who they're married to. Heck I grew up mormon (who are REALLY into whole-family membership) and even they didn't deny sacrement!


Plus, if you plan on having having kids, how are you going to handle him indoctrinating them into those beliefs? I would have a big problem with that.

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