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Gratitude Journal


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  • 2 weeks later...

Boundaries for Empaths:


“I am unwilling to absorb anyone else’s energy.I want to be aware of it, but I’m unwilling to absorb it.”


“I need to check my schedule and get back to you.”


"asking your body “is this mine” for every feeling, mood, thought, pain, interaction, etc"



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Grateful for reflection


I could have said "You seem angry. Is that true?" Instead of trying to figure why she would be so angry and how to lesson the tension. She appeared to me to be seething, which felt incongruous to the situation, and I felt her mood and unfriendliness for hours afterward. Even still, it lingers. (That is on me. I pick up others negativity and let it hang around with me. Thus my considering what it means to be empathic and how to have good boundaries in that respect.)

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  • 5 weeks later...

This list ("12 Things Happy People Do"):

1. Express gratitude.

2. Cultivate optimism.

3. Avoid over-thinking and social comparison.

4. Practice acts of kindness.

5. Nurture social relationships.

6. Develop strategies for coping.

7. Learn to forgive.

8. Increase flow experiences.

9. Savor life’s joys.

10. Commit to your goals.

11. Practice spirituality.

12. Take care of your body.


Borrowed from here: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/jacob-sokol-/things-happy-people-do_b_3869793.html


It references the book "The How of Happiness" by Sonja Lyubomirsky

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Great Bell Chant


May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the cosmos

Even in the darkest spots

Living beings are able to hear it clearly

So that all suffering in them cease

Understanding comes to their heart

And they transcend the path of sorrow and death.


The universal dharma door is already open

The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly

The miracle happens

A beautiful child appears in the heart of a lotus flower

One single drop of this compassionate water

Is enough to bring back the refreshing spring to our mountains and rivers.


Listening to the bell
I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve

My mind calm

My body relax

A smile is born on my lips

Following the sound of the bell

My breathe brings me back to the safe island of mindfulness

In the garden of my heart

The flowers of peace bloom beautifully.

—Thich Nhat Hahn


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  • 1 year later...

grateful for...


-babies I know growing, exploring, happily enthusiastic

-their parents, loving and supporting and allowing

-photographs and videos and Facetime and Skype and Zoom

-beauty shared by friends and family

-gentle words of kindness and support

-green moss after the snow has melted

-sun and blue sky today

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  • 1 month later...
I want to give you big hugs. 


Thank you itsallgrand. 💗


Grateful for my sweet pup, he's been the best companion and I love him so much. He is closing in on his time to pass on, and these moments with him are precious. My heart breaks to say goodbye.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am grateful that Oxford is close to another vaccine and this one is especially good for the over 60's .... Thankyou to those scientists who have dedicated their lives for a moment like this .


I am grateful to see you both ( grandy and journey ) you have both made me smile .


I am grateful , just grateful .........

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I am grateful that Oxford is close to another vaccine and this one is especially good for the over 60's .... Thankyou to those scientists who have dedicated their lives for a moment like this .


I am grateful to see you both ( grandy and journey ) you have both made me smile .


I am grateful , just grateful .........

Ditto, ditto, ditto.


pippy, you Sweet, thank you for being you.


You, too, itsalllgrand.


And I love both of your screen names!

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