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Gratitude Journal


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I'm grateful that this week, I was able to do a paid job that I love. I'm grateful the people at work were very nice to me, and that at no time did I feel stressed at work despite being new. I'm grateful that my employer is paying me the correct rates of pay, and has treated me fairly and with respect.

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finding that joy is in the small stuff


...my path in the woods


...animal tracks everywhere


...the flying squirrel that landed briefly on the window screen last night about 3 feet from my shoulder, as if to say "hi there"


...the gritty crunch of white sleet-snow on the packed path makes a cool sound and provides decent traction


...having enough


...being enough


...all is well

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"Trade your expectations for appreciation and your whole world changes in an instant!" —Tony Robbins


In the same vein, there's this quote: "Expectations are premeditated resentments"


Self-expectations might be different, though. How might it look if we expect ourselves to take good care of ourselves, no matter who we are with or what we are doing?

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How can I put this? We have someone demonstrating for the world to see just how powerful it is to believe in your self absolutely. Off the charts self-confidence and self-esteem, it can serve the ego or be used for the greater good. Just think how that could be used for good and positive change if we all had it 100% and reinforced it and acted upon it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spontaneous joy. Gratitude happens.


Driving along, enjoying the drive, the feel of the car on the curves, and ZING! Filled with gratitude that someone built this road!


Maybe it started as a footpath, then a horse path through the wilderness, then a stagecoach road, but someone made this before I got here, and it's so nice to use.

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finding that joy is in the small stuff


...my path in the woods


...animal tracks everywhere


...the flying squirrel that landed briefly on the window screen last night about 3 feet from my shoulder, as if to say "hi there"


...the gritty crunch of white sleet-snow on the packed path makes a cool sound and provides decent traction


...having enough


...being enough


...all is well

I like this post.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Online trolls, ads that interrupt online activity, sign up prompts blocking articles, new password requirements, anything annoying that serves as a reminder to step away and find a more suitable path of connection. Getting outdoors, connecting with friends and family, making art, learning something new, meditating, etc, so many better options for my energy and focus.

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I can go outside in fresh air and listen to birds chirping and gaze at tree tops being lit by the rising sun, and I don't need a password.


I can play with my dogs, and I don't need a password.


I can create art and, I don't need a password.


I can walk into a brick and mortar shop without needing a password.


Thank goodness!

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  • 3 months later...

Grateful for R, once again demonstrating victimhood. (As in: this happened and her choice is to stew and ruminate, and basically feel bad as long as possible. The opposite might be: this happened and her choice is to do such and such instead of stewing, with her resulting action being her focus.)


Grateful for plans.

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