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Gratitude Journal


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Feeling better today after 3 weeks of flaring and feeling so incredibly tired. It's nice to feel "awake" again. I missed this.


Having an awesome business coach that inspires me and helps me achieve my goals.


My dad...for talking to me for over an hour yesterday about problem solving. I'm lucky to have someone that "gets" people as well as he does.


Chocolate rolo cookies.

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I've been having an extraordinarily bad few days (night shifts, dealt with some deaths including a family friend death, etc) so I need to remember to be grateful for things.


-The recent death of a family friend means I get an excuse to make my awesome banana bread for my loved one. I love to bake but no longer for myself (can't eat sweets), only for others. So I'm happy I can do this to show her that I care and I think she will enjoy it.

-having a couple days off now from work, whew

-my lovely family, as always

-autumn is almost here! Yaaaaay!

-having a car... I forget how lucky I am.

-my apartment is actually quite nice, it's nice living alone and doing my own thing...

-lovely "special someone"

-perfect scrambled eggs! I made them this morning. Fluffy, slightly pasty, creamy. Nom.


Wow I feel better already.

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The fall - the crisp air, the yummy flavors, the changing leaves, BRING....IT....ON


Travel - all of the places I want to see next year, the year after, and for the rest of my life


My promotion/raise and child support award - more money to make memories with my son.

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Flow. Serendipity. Discovery. That nifty thing I had my eye on, the maybe someday thing, $25 new, is now part of my life thanks to the 25 cent discovery. Whoever decided it wasn't for them, thank you for donating it (in good condition) to my favorite resell shop. Feeling blessed.

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"This a wonderful day. I've never seen this one before." —Maya Angelou

"It is impossible to feel grateful and depressed in the same moment." —Naomi Williams

"When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around." — Willie Nelson


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