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Gratitude Journal


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Sad from the news of Robin Williams death. RIP RW. Thank you for all the laughter, and for sharing yourself with the world.



Yes, thank you Robin Williams.



I am grateful for our beautiful nephew "A" who was born in emergency circumstances 17 years ago. He was premature and born without life signs. Doctors had stopped performing CPR when he then breathed on his own. He spent quite some time in intensive care and this tiny bundle really fought to survive. My sister did not know whether he would have any type of disability. Not only is he perfect, he is a really lovely young man.

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I'm fairly new, and I just stumbled upon your journal. You are a beautiful writer; your words and thoughts, in their simplicity, are truly lovely. Thank you for taking the time to post and doing it with such consistency. It's inspiring.


Aw, thank you SophieGrace for your kind words! Thank you for popping in and feel free to join in to add anything you feel grateful for in the moment. Welcome to eNotAlone.

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I'm fairly new, and I just stumbled upon your journal. You are a beautiful writer; your words and thoughts, in their simplicity, are truly lovely. Thank you for taking the time to post and doing it with such consistency. It's inspiring.


JN is a beautiful person as well as a beautiful writer!

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A Sunday afternoon swim as the beach is emptying.

Grabbing a coffee at the local shop and having the girl behind the counter remember my name and my drink.

Falling asleep to an old movie (Humphrey Bogart) next to my bf.

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I can't believe I've never seen this journal. This is the best idea EVER.


Right now, I'm terrible for being grateful that my daughter has a cold and had to stay home from daycare. I'm getting little girl cuddles


Someone random calling me about a painting they want to buy.


link removed....my bf is sad today...he's so homesick and he's has had a. Old for the last 2 weeks...and I just found something perfect to send him....Apple squares.


That my daughter still believes in the magical. The tooth fairy came last night....and now she's quizzing me on how she can grow up to become a winter fairy. I love her innocence.


For three days of rain. It brought out all the slugs in my garden, and my daughter and I spent a few hours out there collecting them. She said it was "the best fun she's ever had"...which made my day, despite the slugs.





Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I'm having a difficult day so maybe this will help me.


I'm thankful for my relatively good (current) health. I feel better than I have in years, so much energy. I forget how bad I used to feel sometimes, I need to remember that.


I'm thankful for my living standards - I live pretty well despite not making much $$ at the moment.


I'm thankful for having been born into a wonderful family. I love my family.


I'm extremely thankful for a (very) special ENA member who has touched my heart and reached into the dark shell I've been living in, telling me that it's okay to come out, encouraging me to do better, be better...maybe the world around me isn't so dark after all.


I'm on the right path.

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1. The nice roof over my head

2. The clean clothes on my back

3. The yummy food in my belly.


I know I usually take these things for granted, but I am humble enough to know that not everyone enjoys these luxuries. Knowing that my basic needs are met is a huge blessing and something to be grateful for.

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when in a ''slump''...

'so right, 90_hour_sleep. I get stuck in a slump myself, and eventually my mind comes back to the idea of gratitude and choosing things to be grateful for. Finding small things makes it easy for me, I'll think of something I kind of like, recall how it brings a moment of pleasure, and the feeling of gratitude happens...how nice it is that this thing, whatever it is, even exists in this world. So nice....

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