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Please help! I need help with this guy!


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There is this guy in my acting class that smiles and stares at me a ton. We had class together for a month before he started talking to me. I took the smiling and staring as signs that he was interested in me so I asked him out. All I got in responce was " I'll talk to you about it on Tuesday( the next time we had class together)" Well, he never talked to me about it. He is still flirting with me. Like he'll come up and talk to me all the time. He stares at me and mimics my motions. But whenever class ends he bolts out the door. Please help me understand what is going on! I am really confused so anyone who has any insight to this will be greatly appriciated!



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bring it up to him. if he dances around the question again, you have your answer.


he could either be really really shy or he's a great actor. he could be trying to play by playing mr. mysterious. who knows what he's thinking.


my best bet is to bite the bullet. bring it up again. and if there's no definite answer, then move on.

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