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Poem - "Burial"


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Home sick today so I wrote a poem to cope with the agonizing bordom. Hope everyone likes it, any feedback is appreciated though.


I dug myself a hole

and laid down to await

A voice I hoped to hear-

a fictitious escape.


I glanced down at my watch,

and wondered where you were,

Assumed you were just late..

But soon I wasn't sure.


I heard your loud footsteps

And my heart skipped a beat.

I knew I'd soon be saved;

I'd heard my hero's feet.


I tried hard not to smile-

ironic, on my deathbed.

But as I gained my hope,

Something hit my head.


"Must be a rope," I thought;

Something to pull me out,

But suddenly all of my hope

had transformed into doubt.


I felt the grainy substance.

The powder framed in hate.

My smile at that point was slain.

I surrendered, now stone-faced.


The shovel struck the dirt,

Ushered it on to me,

And showered me with death

Until you had me buried.

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