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Legal issue involving professional integrity, reputation and..PETS

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I live in an apartment complex with a pond and walking area behind me, and many people walk their dogs off leash often. It is, however, posted that all owners shall have their dogs on leash at all times. I was walking my dog off leash yesterday morning, as I often do, and my neighbor was outside with her two dogs-a golden retriever and a chihuahua-both off leash as they always are. My dog is a mixed breed dog, about 55 lbs, with a tendency to not be nice to little dogs who exhibit aggressive behaviors. She has never injured another dog, but she raises her hair and does want to run over to small dogs that are 'feisty' if given the chance. Anyway, when I saw my neighbor and her two dogs yesterday, I promptly put my dog on her leash just in case. She did not put her dogs on a leash. Her chihuahua ran up to my dog while I was holding onto her. My dog growled and picked her up by the body, presumably piercing the chihuahua's skin in the process, although I am not certain if this was the case. Her chihuahua ran away, but made no whimper or whining sound, then proceeded to run at my dog once again. This time I was picking my dog up off the ground by the leash (connected to the harness) to separate the two dogs. I proceeded to walk away, with her saying sorry as I did. I told her it was okay.


Anyway, several hours later, she apparently noticed a puncture on her dog's chest area, so she took him into the ER. I have read the case history, and she mentioned nothing about my dog. In fact, she said that her dog was playing "at the dog park with 6 other dogs yesterday." However, the owner now wants me hand over my dog's vaccination papers, and she wants me to pay "at least half" of the vet costs (which are over $500 because she unnecessarily wanted blood tests, radiographs, etc). Originally, I said that I could help out with the costs. This was before I had a chance to think about the whole situation or had enough information. I was under the assumption that she was a reasonable person. Now, she is continually trying to guilt trip me, asking for money and telling me how worried she is about her dog. According to the history, her dog is fine and just needs to come back in a few days. There was, however, a .25 inch puncture wound, which the vets cleaned, drained and sutured. I am not 100% certain that my dog did this, although it is likely.


Question is-am I responsible in any way? If I show compliance, am I admitting fault? Will this be a "strike" against my dog? I am trying as much as possible not to engage with her. My dog is up to date on vaccines, has no history and has obedience training with documentation to back it up. Should I pay anything?


Also, who should I contact to find out if I can appeal any "strike" on my dog's record? Or can I even appeal it? Will I be notified? Should I contact the ER myself to discuss this with them, or is that also in some way admitting fault?


There really is nothing I would have done differently if it were happening again. I am upset, however, because we are both vet students, and I have watched her badmouth me on facebook (yes, mature I know), while future professors of mine (she is a few years ahead of me) are responding.


Either of you know anything about slander and what constitutes it? She is very much fabricating many new things, and clearly has issues. Bottom line is that the more she messages me and emails me, the more cognizant I am that she likes drama, is crying for attention, etc etc. and I have to engage as little as possible. In the meantime, however, she is ruining my reputation before I even have a chance to make one around school. Basically, I am dealing with a 26 year old woman who is off her rocker and desperate for sympathy and loves being the victim. She is saying things such as, "this kid's dog attacked mine...he won't even pay a cent, but the decent thing would be to at least pay half..." I guess all is okay if there is no record of my dog doing anything wrong, me doing anything wrong, her dog recovers, and I don't have to pay her anything, but I also have the opinion of some future colleagues at stake as well. Granted, if they misjudge her mental stability enough to believe this BS, then I probably do not want these colleagues anyway. Still, she is accomplishing the goal of making me very, very angry.

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I would think that since your dog was already harnessed and leashed at the moment of the attack and her dog was not, then she is at fault becuase her dog was not restrained. Had her dog been leashed, she could have prevented the dog from running to your dog not once but twice.

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I would think that since your dog was already harnessed and leashed at the moment of the attack and her dog was not, then she is at fault becuase her dog was not restrained. Had her dog been leashed, she could have prevented the dog from running to your dog not once but twice.


I agree. You were the responsible dog owner by having your dog leashed, she was not. She should learn from this that if her dog has a tendency to be a bully then she should keep the dog on a leash. I have seen plenty of small, yappy dogs that are aggressive with bigger dogs...the owner of the smaller dog should recognize how this aggressiveness could backfire on the little dog and keep that dog safe.

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