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Does the hurt of being friends ever payoff?


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That is the choice I have to make. My ex and I haven't spoken for about a month now, and im trying to decide if there is any chance I might get her back if I become a close friend.


Going by the strategies in the Homer Mcdonald book, there may be a chance.


Anyone else use those strategies to any success, or am i just wasting my time? A lot of it really does make sense and ive done just about everything wrong up till now so I don't know.

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If youve been with her before and it didnt work out. Chances are it wunt workout this time either (unless theres been a BIG change in one of you). id say just let things be natural, be her friend and if one day both of you feel that spark again, go for it. You already lost her once, and you cant really lose what you already lost. So dunt be scared, you no longer have anything to lose.

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