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Confused in love


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Well my name is Melissa and I'm very confused. I date a boy named Bryan and he also dates a friend of mine. They have been together for awhile and i used to date his bestfriend. As you can tell our relationship is secret and if anybody finds out we both will be in big trouble. Ok of course you know that I'm not going to jeapordize my life to be with someone that is crapp. He is great, nice, funny, cute, he has it all. I just got out of a bad relationship, the one with his bestfriend and he has showed me a good time and has showed me that I don't need my ex. He's better than my ex, (his bestfriend) and he know's it. He loves me I love him and what I'm asking is, Is this worth jeapordizing my relationship with my friend( his girlfriend)? Should i stay with him? I'm also thinking about losing my virginity to him! I'm so confused can somebody please help me I will be so happy please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If you love him, then you love him but for your sake, please do not lose your virginity as he may, or might be interested in the sexual aspect of the relationship!


From a personal viewpoint, just be sure that you in a non-sexual relationship first; otherwise, he could be another person who wants a sexual relationship but will not confess to this idea.

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