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Problem with a girl...


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i want this girl to get attracted to me cuz i dont think shes getting the hint that i like her, from my body language and such, she displays closed gestures around me like if i look at her rarely she will look at me out of the corner of her eye or just look at me rarely and i would see in my peripheral vision, she hasnt really asked me any questions about myself or anything and i know her friends and its really odd that she hasnt talked to me or anything, she can talk to other guys real well and seems very comfortable around them, what could possibly be the best way to get her comfortable around me, i dont see her often she seems interesting..i think she knows who i am, my first impression was soo bad though with her and all, though around her friends i have good impression from them its almost like to every girl im attracted to i mess up when it comes to first impression and its very frustrating. i have a chance though i shouldnt have a problem getting a date from preps cuz im not a nerd. and im not a prep but im kinda my "own kind". though i know a guy whos in her spanish class who probably has more time to talk to her than me especially, i have the confidence but im also insecure which isnt all that great, my first impression was bad so im going to try to figure it out by asking her friends probably not all of them though thatd be bad and my other friend who knows her alot better than the guy in her spanish class so hopefully that works out great, alright i gotta school dance comin up here and i was jw if itd be a good idea to try to get a dance with her then ask her out? send me some feedback on this i really appreciate it

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