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I've been depressed for a long time and I'm so stressed out and I can't take it no more. I feel so alone and feel like I'm not wanted around anyone or anything. No one knows how I feel no one, not my parents or the doctors. I've tryed to strange myself with something before and I nearly ended up in hospital cause of it. I wish I was dead, I wishes that all the time. I hate myself so much. I can't corp anymore I just wanna die, I don wanna go on anymore. I wanna die, I wish I was dead. I want someone to kill me I don care who does it, I just wanna die. I wish I was dead and - I hope that someday my wish does come true.


I feel so strange, confused I don know.

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No, don't do that! Life is worth living! You only have once chance on this world, and you should live life to the fullest! Once your gone, that's it! What will you do? There is always happiness in life to be found, and I know you will find it! Don't give up! Please don't kill yourself...please...

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i can understand where you're coming from. sometimes i just want it all to end. at school people make my life miserable just to add some excitement to they're pitiful lives. i'm stressed out at home with all of my homework, and my parents are not together as of last year. my mother has been gaining weight and is under depression. nobody really needs me, and I am athiest/agnostic, so i really can't look forwards to 'heaven', because quite frankly, i don't believe in it.


But somehow, I find a light shining infront of me. Something keeps me going. I'm not really sure what it is, but I think it's hope. Hope for the future. Hope for love. Hope for happyness. Hope for independence. Maybe you've forgotten the hope inside of you...


There are people who understand. Don't give up. It would be so hard for the people who love you. Imagine what it must be like to feel a life just drift away. It's hard to believe that something so complex, so full of everything love, sadness, strive, worries, cares, everything...could just disappear forever.


Take things one day at a time. Eventually, you will be free...but if you can't do this...then maybe you need even more help. If you're ever feeling like you're going to commit suicide, please, call 911. You may not want to at the moment, but trust me, you'll then get the help you need.


Keep your chin up, Darkness. Hope is not lost.




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please dont do anything to hurt yourself my daughter tried it twice and it aint fun you leave behind the people that love you and care for you when i got the call that my daughter was in trouble i was scared to death i felt like i did something wrong as a parent but then when she finally open up to me and told me how she felt i was there for her so please talk to your parents they will understand i know they will. you are not alone

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i know you feel like giving up.Like there is no other option.Maybe life stinks now,but it WILL get better.You need to stick around and wanit for them to.Sunny days will come your way,but a few dark ones are going to come first.Above all,remember YOU NOT ALONE.If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to PM me.



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