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Everyday after school, my sister, (shes a senior), drives me home with her. (I'm a freshman). Then she just stared giving her friend a ride home along with her hotty hot hot brother. Hes a junior. He is SOOOO cute! I thought he'd think he would be too good to talk to me....but then he started talking to me and stuff, and we'd laugh and stuff.....he's quite nice actully. Do you think the age difference just makes us two out of the question? I mean.....do you think that I have no chance with him?

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I'm a freshman...my boyfriend is a junior. Trust me, the age doesnt make one bit of difference. When he and I met, things clicked and went right straight off the bat. We've been together for 3 months now and things are going great...except for my parents and their rules, but wont get into that lol. Although your parents may not approve of the age difference at first, mine didnt either, but with time when they get to know him, things will smooth out. It's not at all uncommon for freshman to go out with juniors, at all...so dont let the age interfere! Good luck!



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when i was grade 10--A GIRL, i went out with a REALLLLY CUTE gr 9 guy...and it was great...it just ended after 9 months, both of us our first relationship. guys go out with younger girls allll the time, if the opposite can happen, theres a gooood chance with your situation happening. there are some obstacles with dating someone that is a different age than you especially right now...but generally speaking i say 2 grades is okay right now. and he could totally be interested...just try flirting now!!

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when i was grade 10--A GIRL, i went out with a REALLLLY CUTE gr 9 guy...and it was great...it just ended after 9 months, both of us our first relationship. guys go out with younger girls allll the time, if the opposite can happen, theres a gooood chance with your situation happening. there are some obstacles with dating someone that is a different age than you especially right now...but generally speaking i say 2 grades is okay right now. and he could totally be interested...just try flirting now!!


k, thanks....but flirting, how? like, what would you recomend?

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