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I don't know what to do


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My boyfriend and I have been having some discussions about myself. Last night he suggested that I get some medication. I don't know what to think about it, for the first time someone is actually listening and they're telling me I need medication. The thought of taking something scares me, I feel like I wont be me anymore.

I have problems with depression, it was a lot worse when I was younger. I didn't eat, slept for 12 hours pretty much every day, I self harmed for a few years but stopped when I found my friend was doing the same thing and I walked in on her. I have never tried to kill myself nor would I ever.

Currently I feel unmotivated and tired. Is he right? I have been dealing with this for 10 years, I only know how to be me like this.

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You AREN'T you like that.


You is stuck somewhere under the depression.....medication might change you..but it won't change the person you are under the depression and personal issues. The "real" you will finally have a chance to shine.

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I would go talk to someone about this. Either a doctor or a counselor. How is your lifestyle? Do you eat well, do you exercise? Exercise can make a huge impact on mental health. If you aren't already I recommend getting out and working out/doing cardio at least 30 minutes a day. Even if you can't afford a gym go and do a brisk walk or run. As much as you may feel like you don't "want" to once you get into a habit of it, it will likely help. But, regardless, don't just read what strangers recommend on the internet. Please at least talk to someone about what you are going through. Your symptoms might not even be depression but something else (thyroid issue, liver issues, etc)

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