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Sit There. [Comments please]


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Sit There


Sit there and think,

Watch your mind stray to thoughts of others;

Thoughts that silence your heart.

Thoughts weaving lies into truths.

Truths into secrets.


Sit there and watch,

See your longing seep inside and

Make you blind; Make you cry.

Tears that drown your love for me.

Tears that stain your cheeks.


Sit there and believe.

Fill your heart with faith,

Where none lies.

Faith that you won't get hurt letting the world,

Choose what's right for you.


Sit there and pretend,

That you've solved the problem;

Found a cure for your pain.

Found where you belong.

Find comfort in your despair.


Sit there and ask,

Question why you're unhappy,

Why frowns become of smiles;

Question how he's your world,

He's your world, but you turn to me.


Just sit there.

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