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Daily Diary.


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The previous Journal uncosciously turned into a journal of deeper issues and deep thought....the day to day activities were lost somewhere....Lets create a new daily diary in which the things i did would be mentioned....I would try not to speculate too much here....

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His wrist was recently broken in an accident. He said that he hurt himself in trying to save someone else. It was nice having tea after a long time with him.. We talked about our past work environments and how good was it...How much we played carom and Table Tennis together. He was not very good at Chess...rather pathetic.

Long time ago a girl who seemed infatuated by me, had a bet with me in the game of chess...whoever looses would give the other one a treat of ice cream. Suddenly he appeared in the middle of the game and intervened by saying that he should also get the treat no matter whoever looses. He used to hit just every girl that came accross and this one had a nice body...So the game was being played, and i was quite confident and thought to myself that the girl had no chance. But somehow she was in the game...I was in a better position...but a senior person came and helped the girl and it was finally drawn.....Now since no one lost so, we asked Him to give the treat instead....poor fellow.....lolz..

He told me not to let the girl sit on my bike because he wanted to take her to the ride......ok..cool....the girl took her own vehicle....lolz...poor fellow again..

So we went to the ice cream parlor...All the time the girl kept talking to me and kept ignoring him....but suddenly asked him...Can i take one more ice cream....which he readily accepted....so we both took one more ice cream and he paid the bill.....lolz..poor fellow again...

He liked her friend very much...initially her friend was also interested in him...but he just destroyed it....I told him not to push too much too soon but he was struck by love and got blind....the girl also did not help him much....She had an image of him which suggested to her that he deserves nothing...and this she probably communicated to her friend......

Since then he got slightly hostile to the girl...because he thought that she cut his chances....

In reality no once cuts the chances of another.....its all upto you...

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The aunt asked...what do you keep doing on your laptop....I asked ..so whats the problem ? ....well today's list of things..

- Excercises

- Take aunt to a doc

- Eat and sleep

- Biking or movies...hmm...let me think

- Any other work...not in the mood...

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It was some....7-8 years back...We were 4..2 boys..2 girls...The movie had impacted our heads (ofcourse the boys)...after coming out of the show...we started racing our bikes...It was not a clean road as appear in the movie..it was a highway..but with trucks here and there...Sometimes i was ahead and sometimes he was ahead..In between the road was not good...so i slowed my bike but he did not slow it up..but later on i caught him. We thought....it would have been great if we would have had those nitrous oxide cylinders in our bikes.

So who won ? None...we had to finally give it up because of the frantic screaming of those who sat on the pillion.

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Its going to be what kind of day ...i dont know....oh i am waiting to watch 'Satya Mev Jayate'...and then just pass the time around...its too hot in the days...and I actually have no desire to go out as well.....

I removed the avatar...why did i put it on in the first place...i dont know....why did i remove...ii know ...but i will not tell you...

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Its Monday so the work should begin. Lets see how much we can learn today. I need to get a clean shave, and then drive away their. The day has just began....Poha is not that healthy foold but i like its taste.....hmm some fruits should also be taken...one has to get back to the exercises and also i need to prepare a couple dance for his marriage. The song has not been selected yet...but we should start today, otherwise we will be getting ourselves into trouble as we have to perform anyhow....and their eyes will be on us. So its a day to wake up and work towards various objectives. I think if i invest my time on dance then probably i dont need to excercise...lets see.

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Lets go home...it has been a dull day...with a bit of headache.....some amount of dissatisfaction trying to creep into my mind.....Lets just go home....Tomorrow would be a new day...with new energy and new light. Forget today....Its a new moment. When you are not in the mindset...do not push it.....Lets go home before the traffic gets heavy.


Asta la vista.

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We have not done much in learning Spring. But this week I have to do something. Right now I am in the middle of chapter 2 of Part I...this is all that i have read so far....There are total 14 chapters...in the book.. Part I has chapters upto 4. Part II Has chapters from 5 to 9. Part III has chapters from 10 to 14.


Plan is....Finish Part I...today...Finish Part II Wed + Thursday and Finish Part III on Friday....This book Spring in Action III needs to be finished by Friday EOD.....


Today either i will finish Part I or die......how about that....you silly mind.

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Oops there are 5 big chapters in part II.....Yesterday we read around 60 pages.....the chapter I and Chapter II of Part II itself contains around 76 pages....


Hmm...Lets finish Chapter I and Chapter II today.......this is the do or die for today.....If we can take a head start with chapter III then this would only help in completing tomorrow's target.


What would happen of the t.t ???....sacrifice....hmm...



-- Martin Folwer is an Oracle(matrix fame) of software world.

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Chapter I and Chapter II finished......I live one more day.....Let see how tomorrow goes...it seems we are able to read atmost 70 pages....i guess we should go with this frequency......oh yes...i played t.t in between....was feeling really very sleepy and eyes hurtful.....so needed a refreshment and got it..........

the mind says...it was a good day..............cool.......how long does it continue ? ........someone was asking for some help.....sometimes when you help someone...they tend to start depending on you and in the process become dull themselves.....I will ask him to dig it himself....I have to go home now....someone is waiting and i would be punished...if i get late even today.......sometimes we crush the emotions for the sake of work.

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The Aunt has become increasingly curious on what do i keep doing on the laptop...lolz......She is protective of me.....and in her eyes i am still a child....of all the loves how beautiful is the love of a mother. I am a part of her...and if i die....she would die too. Yes ...its a form of attachment....but.


Lets get back to work now. Lets finish only chapter 7 today.

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Street Hawk.....woww..................i watched some of the shows in my childhood.........just loved it........oh...that tune when the bike runs at a full speed....i still remember it and sometimes.......my bike becomes a street hawk.........


At present its an injured hawk with one flat tyre..........so i have to drive the car.......hmm....good.......its pretty hot .

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