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Is it just me or does a cyber relationship seem to have a curve?


theres that opening relationship where everything is kewl...then the next step..u begin to like him/her. thats when it gets hot. after a few mos......i learned that things get "boring". that "THIS PERSON IS TOO PREDICTABLE"


i believe that girls like spontanious. unpredictable. what happens when the online relationship goes sour?...u drop it or keep it going?





Is it bad that I love to make the relationship rocky?!...lol..i mean..i sometimes start and argument..so then later on...i can have a makeup session....if u get me. I sometimes dont go online for a day or 2..so she'll wonder and miss me.



do u girls think this is a horrible thing to do to keep "things in balance"?

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You are playing a very dangerous game. Girls remember EVERYTHING out of line that you do, and eventually, it will all bounce back and stick in your face. Then you will be very sorry that you acted dumb on her cause now she will be able to act dumb on you.

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Is it just me or does a cyber relationship seem to have a curve?


All relationships have an ebb & flow.


theres that opening relationship where everything is kewl...then the next step..u begin to like him/her. thats when it gets hot. after a few mos......i learned that things get "boring". that "THIS PERSON IS TOO PREDICTABLE"


That beginning rush at the start of a new relationship cannot last forever. In real life, your body & brain chemistry can only sustain that "whoopie!!!" feeling for a maximum of 18-24 months. Most of the time it's less than that. I'd imagine that time frame would be reduced if we're talking cyber-only relationship where there is no r/l contact.


To expect that initial "glow" to last past that time is setting yourself up for disappointment. But, hey, we all LOVE that initial rush, don't we? It's your brain's naturally-made, HIGHly addicting drug...we all crave it. So we do stuff like this:


Is it bad that I love to make the relationship rocky?!...lol..i mean..i sometimes start and argument..so then later on...i can have a makeup session....if u get me. I sometimes dont go online for a day or 2..so she'll wonder and miss me.



do u girls think this is a horrible thing to do to keep "things in balance"?


...to keep it going. Problem is, those arguments and drama you cause have a tendency to hurt your partner, and ultimately damage the relationship. Oh, yeah, it feels like it's spicing things up and making things exciting and all, but it really comes down to getting that fix.


You're not "keeping things in balance" with this behavior, you're playing games. Look around at the posts on this site and you will see some of the fallout from other people's game playing. It's not pretty, it's not honest, and it just hurts and confuses people.


That initial rush of attraction and lust is fun. I was quite the junkie for it for longer than I care to admit. Truth of the matter is you can't live on the roller coaster. If it's the arguing you like, maybe you should become a lawyer.

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