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Reading too much into it?


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I've known this one guy for the past three years and in those years, despite the fact that most of our friends are mutual friends and being in many of the same classes, I have never really talked to him. Suddenly, this summer he began talking to me online and has messaged me practically everyday since. He's always the one to initiate the conversations. Our conversations are usually not very long or involved but there's been a lot of times where I've thought that he was flirting. But then he's the type of guy who likes to jokingly flirt...so I've never been sure.


Now that we're back at school though, we're always with the same people but we still don't talk much in person. It's true that we're more at ease and but we still mainly talk online. Whenever we're in a group together, he seems to always be right up close to me with our arms brushing each other's. But it's possible he unconsciously does this with everyone...


There's been many little things but there's one that sticks out in my mind. Online, even when we've stopped talking for hours already, he always starts a new chat when he's about to leave to just say good night to me. Most people don't really do this, right?


Many months ago, though, he gave in to people bothering him and said that if he were to like anyone, he would be most LIKELY to like one of my friends because "he talked to her the most". People always make fun of them together for this and at least I havent seen anything to think differently.

But then i keep thinking that that was all before we started talking...

And I don't know..many small things keep adding up to make me think he likes me.


Am I reading too much into things? does he like me at all?

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