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Resentful Xs

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Is it normal behavior for an ex to leave someone for another person, start a relationship with said person but keep saying resentful things about the ex, such as how he/she didn't know what she wanted and how the ex never really loved her? For me it's one thing to cheat on someone when you're no longer attached to that person (bad), but to keep questioning that person's love for you when you cheated on them and you're no longer with them (even worse)? Is the need for validation that strong on the dumper's side?


If you made the decision that was supposed to make you happy, why keep dwelling on the past? You left the person you didn't want to be part a part of your life anymore. Do dumpers hope that their "new" partners will help them get through their problems and hope they will fall in love eventually?


BTW this is meant to be more of an open discussion than anything, I'm dealing with my demons just the same way everyone else is. NC and NH (no hope)!

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Dumpers don't always dump because they want to be away from their ex. Sometimes they dump because they feel they have no choice ( they are not getting what they need. They're not being treated right, they don't feel like the dumpee is IN the relationship...etc). In that case they are the "dumpers" but they feel as though they have been dumped.

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