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Torn between two people that are interested in me...


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First of all very recently my ex g/f emailed me who I haven't spoken to in 2 years, we've been an on again off again couple before, but since then I've really moved on. I've felt that I need to explore other options and I told her I'm not willing to get into a serious relationship with her at this point in time, last night she emailed me back saying friends is cool, although we've always been more than "friends" when we were together and she also said she still has a lot of feelings for me. Now either she hasn't moved on or she won't move on and I'm afraid being friends with her would turn into more as it always seems to do, thats why I haven't seen her for over 2 years. Second I have this other girl who I just recently met while traveling to various businesses while working, shes nice, and my gut instinct is to trust her and if I'm assertive enough to get her # as she's shown interest in me for the last 2 weeks and I'm excited just to meet someone new like her. Yet I'm torn on who to date, I really feel like it hasn't worked in the past with my ex so theres no reason to say it will work a 3rd time, I'd rather meet someone new and just move past my ex to a new beginning as I felt I was never truly happy in my last relationship with her. I was very content at times cause it was really comfortable and convient as I got along really well with her family, but I've always felt that I never gave myself enough credit. I still feel only being 23 years old that its to early for me to settle into a serious relationship once again, I need to go out have fun and date more so I can form an opinion of what I want out of a woman that'll form a serious relationship...

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If you never really felt anything towards her on a serious, long-term level, I would go with the new face. You're most likely going to be disappointed again if you go back with your ex, so I suggest you stay away from her. The less temptations the better.



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Lucky for you to have two girls after you!


Listen to your heart... because it's pretty obvious from your post... the old girlfriend is in the past... your feelings for her have changed... and now you are interested in someone else. Go with the new girl!

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