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Ex getting married next year

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Heard from a friend of hers that she (24) is getting married to the replacement (19) next year. Her friend says she doesn't sound too excited about the idea, and made sure to mention that unlike others (me) he's serious about it. So let's see... 6-year relationship, they start talking around March of last year (emotional affair), we break up by the end of August, make out with her the day after her birthday one month later, cuts off all contact around December, makes her relationship official after seeings pictures of me online with another girl, blocks me on Facebook and tells her friend she did so because she felt something strange and that she didn't want either of us getting hurt, and a month or so later is talking about marriage.




I've been so tired lately I'm not even sure how to react to this information. Doing NC and not looking through her stuff has definitely helped and I'm sticking to that plan -and also sticking by my new girl I must confess, though, that I'm slightly intrigued by her getting over all of our good and bad memories in less than a year. Anyway, good for her.


Things are finally starting to pick up in my life, my new job is going well and my conversations with the new girl are progressing smoothly. I'm starting to refocus on my studies and personal development (i.e. I can't believe I'm actually reading again) and realized that I wasted too much time/effort trying to analyze her behavior -childish on my part, I know.


Just wanted to get this info out there. Whew.


Now if you'll excuse me I'll keep moving forward. Why? Because I can.

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Hey, look you are doing great Keep up the good work!


I had the same thing happen to me 2+ years ago.

Ex and I were together for 3 years.. living together mind you.

We broke up - 6months of FWB or breakup sex.

2-3 weeks after we stopped. He found a gf.


This time I was shocked, but I had to move on.

He turned 21, she was 16 with a 6-7 month old toddler.

1 month later they moved in together

2 month he proposed

3 month she fell pregnant


They are still getting married at the end of this year.

Best of luck to them. As it was a rebound relationship.




2 years later, I found the guy of my dreams. I have recently moved in with him - ilove him more than I did with the first one.. and He is more serious and future focused than the last one.



YAY I say! Look at us, and our lives are better than our exes

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Even i was doing pretty good in NC. . .One day he messaged me telling that he thinks it is the time that he should getting married.. And knowing that it will be painful for me to hear. .he goes on telling that he has joined up a match making site and found one prospective match. . It just flashed before my eyes when he used to tell me that how he finds me a perfect girl for him !! Did he mean," perfect girl" for fooling around while inside his mind, he was looking for a girl to get married . . .though i am recovering. . it is still painful.

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Even i was doing pretty good in NC. . .One day he messaged me telling that he thinks it is the time that he should getting married.. And knowing that it will be painful for me to hear. .he goes on telling that he has joined up a match making site and found one prospective match. . It just flashed before my eyes when he used to tell me that how he finds me a perfect girl for him !! Did he mean," perfect girl" for fooling around while inside his mind, he was looking for a girl to get married . . .though i am recovering. . it is still painful.

It's best not to engage in conversations like that with your ex. I've done it in the past, and it sucked... I think he was just trying to get some sort of reaction out of you, just to know that you're there. Anyway, best of luck to you and your recovery!

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