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In love with love


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So ive been wanting to do a journal of sorts...people are always telling me my life is crazy an i could have my own show but having a journal seems better because i get feed back about how crazy an fudged up i can get my life....one thing about me i always seem to make the wrong decision. well anyway here it goes......


kind of lonely today i woke up around one in the afternoon to two txt messaged one from my best friend/sister(nicole) in law the other from an old boyfriend turned friend(justin). i'd slept in longer then normal so the messages were an hour late....i txted them back along with a txt nicoles other brother(my ex boyfriend) nick saying i hope he feels better since yesterday we said four things to each other because he "didnt feel good" i think its a load of crap really...im pretty sure his gf was home so he wasnt going to talk to me but anyway so i txted them an then got in the shower. When i got out i had no messages which is weird for me then i got ready an still no one replied now justin an nick yes they do that all the time an im not about to be some stalker person an keep txting but nicole shes always txting me 24/7 we've been best friends since 5th grade thats when her family moved here to my state from hers....now since her first year in college she moved back to that state an i really dont get to see her often except when she come down an visits. ughh im starting to get a head ache i guess im gonna go try to cure it an see what you all think so far......Feed back is appreciated good an bad xoxo

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Ok...i thought justin and nicole are some real names....actually there are no problems as such with names but the thing is i have seen people regretting giving actual locations and names of people. Some of them you can find in Forum Assistance asking about how they can delete certain posts. So the idea is to not use the real names of people so that there is no trouble originating out of it.. In my case i use some short abbreviations...when i have to refer to someone...for instance D or X or Y. Nyways......

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