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It doesn't make sense. Thoughts/advice?


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As each day passes I do better and better Having no contact with him has given me plenty of time to think. I haven't cried in days. I knew everything he was saying was a bunch of BS from the start, I even told him that like 2 weeks ago when he out of nowhere was ending it with me, I told him "This sounds like BS, come on, there has to be a real reason and you're not being honest. Just tell me what it is! You can't hurt me more than you already have." and he told me "I am being honest. I am not lying" ... Well it doesn't matter if he was lying anyway cause either way it's over. I had said so many things to him to try and get a response for the truth that day, since he had been acting weird and saying things like "we don't always have to spend time together." and "it's good to switch things up" the week before it ended it seemed like he wanted space or thought possibly we were seeing each other too much but I told him "if you wanted space I totally would have respected it!". But he did not want to work it out, so it's really his loss then. I had been nothing but nice but as I had time to think I realized I didn't deserve a lot of the stuff that happened throughout the relationship. He was very immature and selfish and a lot of other things I could go on and on about.


I like you to T3840! You seem like a really nice person, I am sorry what you went through, I know a BU is hard. But stay strong! Time will heal your broken heart, just keep doing things to keep your mind off of him. I'm glad you haven't cried! I hope the no tears remain as such!


My mom and everyone keeps telling me that when I eventually start having interest in someone else and start dating again none of this will even matter anymore. Keep that in mind for yourself too T3840!

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