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Can you see me standing here?

Can you see this falling tear?


Take my hand and hold it tight,

Let me know that I am alright.


Kiss my lips and look me in the eyes,

Do you notice I am not out of cries.


Hear my heart beat it beats for you,

But does your heart beat for me to.


Hold me close please dont let me fall,

Stop this pain dont let me put up a wall.


Make me smile make me feel whole,

I love you mind body and soul.


I have put up with so much pain inside,

Give me hope come join me on this ride.


Love me for who I am take me for me,

Let us be happy and let us be free.


Keep me from things that make me scared,

Show me how much you have really cared.


Show me that I am what you have looked for,

I will let go of the anger and forget you walked out the door.


Wipe my eyes when I am crying and sad,

Make me feel special then I will be glad.


No more yelling and shouting at me,

I am a sweet person sweet as can be.


If you could feel how I truly feel inside,

Then you would know that for you my love has not died.


Remember the good times and remember I am true,

Just be yourself with me that's all you have to do.


Wish apoun a star at night before you go to bed,

Remember all the great things I did and all the things I have said.


Just walk with me on this wonderful journey hand and hand,

Let things go how they go and we will land where we land.


Tell me what you think?

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That was a beautiful poem and the guy you wrote that about does not deserve your love Ang3l. I hope you are well and I hope to talk to you soon...


Keep writing your poetry because I think there is a major talent there sweetie!!!


Hubman 8)

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