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Rozel Rot

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Rozel Rot, Rosel Weiss,

Was machst du den Heute?

Wahrum schreit dir unter den Bäumen?

Wer sind die in den Grabern stehen, es gibt als kommen stille sentinals.

Waren sie brave diese Krieger? Haben sie sie im Kampf sterben.

Rozel rot, Rozel weiss, wenn will sie nicht trauer vor dem Toten?

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crash, bang, thoughts colide

dreams shatter like small shards of glass

what to do, what to do

standing there, I move to a shady spot

I sit motionless, watching as the ants scurry quickly accross the blades of grass

I hear an ambulance in the background and say I silent pray

I sigh and shift my eyes back to the broken glass

In my short repose the sun has shifted it position

it's rays are captured in the jagged and rough edges of each shard of glass

changing the appearance of the unwanted broken glass, into a sea of diamonds

each facett reflecting the brilliant spectrum of the light

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Rozel Rot, Rosel Weiss,

Was machst du den Heute?

Wahrum schreit dir unter den Bäumen?

Wer sind die in den Grabern stehen, es gibt als kommen stille sentinals.

Waren sie brave diese Krieger? Haben sie sie im Kampf sterben.

Rozel rot, Rozel weiss, wenn will sie nicht trauer vor dem Toten?


Das war ein schönes Gedicht...

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Das war ein schönes Gedicht...


Vielen Dank,

Es war viel lange Zeit, weil ich hat auf Deutsch gesprochen order geschrieben.

Ich war ein Soldat, und die jungen Männer, war meinen Freunden.

Welcher Teil von Deutschland kommst du?

Mich, Ich habe aus Niedersachsen gewohnen.

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Meine Mutter kommt aus Heilbronn (kleine Stadt bei Stuttgart) aber wir haben in Ulm gewohnt. I was raised in the US though, and I am not great at German anymore, so it is nice to stumble accross it every now and then. I look forward to reading more of your poetry.

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Meine Mutter kommt aus Heilbronn (kleine Stadt bei Stuttgart) aber wir haben in Ulm gewohnt. I was raised in the US though, and I am not great at German anymore, so it is nice to stumble accross it every now and then. I look forward to reading more of your poetry.


Ich habe aus Esslingen gearbeitet, weil ich war ein Soldat. Yes my German is rusty too.. Thank you, take care. Rosel

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  • 4 months later...

Was denkst du da? Wahrum der Rozel Weiss? Es ist meine Name und gibt mir hoffen fuer der Future, fuer mich und alle meine Famillia. Der Rozel Weiss, den Belije Rozl, it grows in the dryest, most arid places, between a rock and a hard place, it stands strong in the face of adversity, yet its not alone, it raises it's face to the sun, it powerful rays drying and draining the dessert rose...yet still expectant, holding on to hope, the rose waits. It waits for the time of refreshing, for the life giving rains. Why do I write so,

what is the driving force, life and heartbreak....




I feel like a pendulum, each swing(my actions) bringing me through great emotional highs and lows, I wish I wouldn't allow my emotions to rule me, I wish I was in control of them instead of them me... The past still has power over me, it still causes me pain, so much so that it has crippled me emotionally...I am worn and weary, sad and feeling alone, my heart breaks within me, my words fail me... all that can escape my mouth are inarticulate words and screams of pain. All the fears and pain of the past and the present, crushed and pressed together with no where to go, there were no pressure valves, or warning signs to signal the imminent melt down that was about to occur, no emergency evacuations, nothing....

Nothing... then there was a small spark, almost like that of a cigarette carelessly tossed to the ground without regard to the situation or the possible outcome....it takes less than thirty minutes and that small spark has evolved into a huge firestorm ingulfing all in its path, it is out of control and no one is left untouched by this. The start? the past was revisited and the sad statement was issue that there was no change in the individual since childhood, no progress, the child was selfish, uncaring, mentally inept, a fool, always in trouble, a bother, a hinderance,incapable, or unwilling to change, not worth the time or effort needed to rehabilitate such an ungrateful creature, it's barmy, do lally tap, mental, belongs in a home, a institution, and all these things still ring true with the adult. So the visit the cost not only time and energy which were in short supply, but money as well, money that was diverted from other places so the trip could be made. In truth the adult/child should have never have made the trip, as the individual was not yet fully recovered from surgery, and was still in phsyically and emotionally weakened state. Reason for undertaking the ill fated trip was to see and spend time with family... who view me as nothing more than an errational, illogical child, who still needs their hand held and to be controlled. I put them out by being there, I think the world should revolve around me, silly fool. It cost me well over $4,000 to travel over 5000 miles in a car to realize I can't change how other people see me, I have and always be nothing more than in ill tempered, ungrateful, selfish fool.... and that they can tell me that and I should just swallow my pride and except it. All these years we've traveled to see them, we swallowed the cost, because it was family and family is important, it took us months to recover financially, it really put a strain on my marriage...but it was family, they couldn't travel here so we went there. Always felt like we were a burden...funny it took 2 days to drive there 2 days back, hotels, food, gas, snacks, and time for 5-6 people... Funny there is so much more to this than will ever be know but, I feel terrible for exploding and screaming at my sister(who started all this), and my parents (who still judge me for things in the past and always side with my sister)...I know I proved them right again, I am a good as dead to them, funny part of my doesn't mind, I am ashamed of the way I couldn't control my emotional outburst, but not why I exploded. I felt like a cornered wounded animal, I had never meant to be ugly to anyone, all the hurtful things that were said to me, I tried not to respond, but they just kept building up...my issue was originally by my sister, but when my parents sided with her without knowing what happened or the emotions behind it, all heck broke loose, my parents chose to more close to my sister, this was her plan, and it was also part of her plan that when my husband gets out of the military, that we are to sell our house, cut our ties to everything, and hope to find work in the state she lives in so we can move closer her and my parents. In the past I would have liked to, but it isn't practical, so every year we tried to visit my family twice, a major drain on the finances, we never do familly trips with just my children, no we travel to see my sister and family. We don't do special things, like go out for anniversaries, no we save that money to visit family....yup I am selfish... No matter, I don't have to worry about this anymore , I'm dead to them...

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