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depression after quick fling


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I am 32 and have very little luck finding the right person...I am either too picky or just not into the person who likes me....I have not had sex or been intimate with anyone for over a year. Last week I went on vacation and had a two day fling with someone that lived far away.. It is hard for me to open up and enjoy sex, especially with someone I dont know, but he seemed really into me and I was as well, he treated me with so much respect and like my boyfriend for two days. I had convinced myself before that I was fine with no one, but now I am craving that feeling. Long story short, I finally had sex and enjoyed it and then we both had to fly away back home.


We both said we would stay in touch and talked about meeting up some day. I was hoping he would try to keep in touch with me and plan to visit, but I am starting to realize it was just a fling and I am so sad and empty today. I know he liked me, and I know he is being the normal mature one, but I cant stop crying today. I texted him a few times and his responses were shorter and shorter. And my last text was that I really had a good time with him and hope we can meet up again some day. He wrote back, that would be great. Thats all. It made me even more sad. I wanted him to say something like, "maybe in the fall i can visit you", "or you are always welcome to stay here"...or even "I had such a good time too i wish we were closer"...but none of that...,He seemed so sincere and into me...


Now in my head I am wishing he wasnt the first person I had slept with after so much time...I feel super attached to him and pictured being with him. I hate feeling like this over such a short sweet thing. It wasnt worth it. How can I just get over it...I guess just let it go? see if he tries to stay in touch?

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I know you are right....but how does one have sex without it meaning anything....when you kiss and are loving toward someone and share such intimacy it is hard not to want to continue that or stay in touch...I havent had that intimacy in so long and it felt like a connection...just seems cold and heartless to chalk it up as a fling and never hear from the person again...how do people do that?

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It sounds like you're not really the type of person who can have flings, you get too emotionally attached. I'd hold out on sex until you're in a real relationship. I'm the same way so I'm not saying there's something wrong with you. I don't get how some people can just have sex with someone and then forget them, unless they were really drunk or on drugs.

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