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I am about to graduate from college, and I am really frustrated. I don't know why I am so stressed. I am not stressed about my finals as much as I am stressed about life. I don't know if I am doing the right thing,and everything seems to be going against me. It's stupid to feel like this, but I can't help it. I have an internship offer, and it seems to be a very good opportunity, but I don't know if they will offer me a job after this. I am an international student, and I would really like them to sponsor my stay here.

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It's normal to feel that way. Even my husband who has a great job set up and has been complaining about not being in the 'real world' since he started college has had some anxiety about actually doing something with his degree and actually finally getting the chance to do what he has spent four years preparing for. Just remind yourself that you have a great opportunity in this internship and make the best of it! The nerves and stress about life are frustrating but perfectly normal.

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I completely understand. I finished my BA last month and it’s been a roller coaster. Graduation is not the happy, exciting time it’s made out to be! It’s a scary time because it’s time to jump from everything you’ve known for the past four years, right into the rat race. Good luck with the internship! They can be really rewarding. I had one I will never forget

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