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Please help


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The man I love, has told me he needs a break from me. We didn't argue that day, but I've seen this coming for some time. He hasn't called me in weeks. We are not in a relationship, but we were close.

I think everything went dwnhill when I told him I loved him. He was angry, and never reciprocated. After that he began to open up to me less and less. I've tried everything I can think of to show him how I feel. He's told me before that he cares for me. If so, why do I feel that I'll never see him again?

I'm lost. I feel like the pain is going to kill me. I miss him all the time. I cry every day several times a day. I have been heartbroken before, but never have I felt love so strongly for someone. I'm scared, I don't know if I can get through. I'm so tired.


Does anyone know of anything I can take, to take the pain away? To stop thinking about him? I can't deal with this right now. I have so much to do.


Please help me

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I've tried everything I can think of to show him how I feel. He's told me before that he cares for me. If so, why do I feel that I'll never see him again?


How you feel has very little with whether he will come back to you, unless it makes you clingy and needy, which will tend to make him want to stay away. What has everything to do with him coming back to you? How you make him feel? If he does come back, think about how he feels and try to make him feel special without mentioning how you feel.

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