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I Wanted to Tell You I Love You

duke nukem

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Now I enjoy reading and interpreting poetry, but I'm not exactly the best poet haha I just thought this one up when I was eating lunch and decided to write it down. Nothing complicated, just a simple one.



"I Wanted to Tell You I Love You"


I wanted to tell you I love you,

When your eyes first met mine,

I wanted to tell you I love you,

But I knew there would be time.


I wanted to tell you I love you,

All the hours we spent together,

I wanted to tell you I love you,

But waited to know you better.


I wanted to tell you I love you,

Through every argument and fight,

I wanted to tell you I love you,

But wasn't sure if it was right.


I wanted to tell you I love you,

As I saw you walk away,

I wanted to tell you I love you,

But my voice remained the same.


I wanted to tell you I love you,

Sitting here alone,

I wanted to tell you I love you,

But was too afraid to phone.


I wanted to tell you I love you,

As they laid you to the ground,

I wanted to tell you I love you,

But thought you'd always be around.


I wanted to tell you I love you,

Now stuck in listless trance,

I wanted to tell you I love you,

But have lost my final chance.

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I wanted to tell you I love you,

Now stuck in listless trance,

I wanted to tell you I love you,

But have lost my final chance.


Those are the best lines......Never ever miss your chances to say 'I Love You' when you really love someone.

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A poem for your display pic lonelyheart2...


Eyes dark and Blue,

got my eyes fixed with some glue,

the silky hair behind, and a gesture that looks kind,

from where do you come O' lovely face,

remove the scarf and let me have a guess,

I know you won't give it a damn,

would remain hidden and still pretend,

Are you laughing beneath the scarf,

for the vulnerability of my heart,

they say dont talk to strangers,

because therein lies the danger,

but dont get me wrong,

its just appreciation of beuty and your charm.....

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