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so wonderful yet so empty


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I am in a really crappy situation right now. I am in love with someone who beyond meets my expectations mentally and physically and on the phone she tells me things like "you are my world" and "I dont know what I would do without you" and all sorts of mushy stuff that makes me feel wonderful. She calls me about every 3 days and have great conversations about our lives and our futures. Problem is she says she is too busy at school to see me. She goes to school and lives about 2 hrs from me, shes 18 i'm 21, both in college. We've talked about marriage and kids someday and both of us arent going to have pre marital sex, and are both virgins. Ive made it very clear to her how it bothers me to never see her and she keeps saying that we will be together and we will meet, however she will never give me a specific date as to when we can hang out. Also this summer we never met and she was on school vacation. Everytime I bring up the subject about how it bothers me to see her she either gets really upset and says that I have no faith in her and it bothers her not to see me as well or she just pretends like its not a big deal or something. We met on the internet and I saw her on a webcam so that is also not a concern to me, I know what she looks like although we have never actually met in person and have known eachother for 5 months. I just would like to know what is going on here with her exactly and why she might be avoiding me. I'm very close to breaking up with her because i'm tired of waiting for her, what should I do? what is going on with her? This dilemma tears me up inside please help.

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If you for any reason feel uncomfortable in a relationship and your partner is unwilling to understand and at least TRY to work things out then you might want to consider ending it. You can do what I did and keep trying and trying until you find yourself stuck in a hole so deep you don't think you'll ever get out....Basically what I'm trying to say is, the earlier you end it the less it will hurt you. I wish I had been able to do so.

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Wow this is what kinda sitation I am in right now. This girl I have been dating is really cool. Shes out going and I love that im more of a shy person laided back I gess. But im 20 out of high school and working PT well shes in High school and she is a senior. She does volleyball right now and in about 6 months track and field. Well she is very busy to I dont get to see her much.


Well I she has talked to me before she started school and said she would be very busy when school started. Cause over the summer we did alot of things together saw each other all the time. Well I got all mad at her cause we did not do anything together which really bothered me. Some one that you love you just cant not see them. Well it will be almost 4 weeks that I have not seen her and it's killing me. We talk on the phone or text message each other almost every day which is cool. But it's just not engough. Well I have until Oct 22nd until her schuelde gets less busy.


I hope I can hang in their. She is wonderful and hope we still can continue what we got. I know how it feels man I wish we could spend more time together. If you love her engough then you can wait. I hope I am doing the right thing to wait for her cause I sher do love this girl. Good Luck hope things work out.

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