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cleared up the date thing


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well yesterday i cleared up the thing i said about drinks was not alcohol-and told her what i meant was coffee or milk shake. she said she "i now". well she did seem receptive bit like most ppl if u ask em questions and talk to em they'll -most ppl that is unless they are a mute will talk back to u , so not sure if she is inot me or just being polite to talk back. we talked about courses and what we were going to take and what she was taking this and that.....


i agree with how women are like theses days not giving out their number-considiring u see so many bad things that happen to women on the news-like rape on date, sexual assualts, husband beating up their wives......etc, just bad stuff men have against women, that i feel maybe women these days are just more careful and cautious to who they date and who they hang with that is if they are men. maybe that is why leanne is like this. but i guess hey school is less threatening than clubs or bars right. just leaves us guys who want to get to now a girl for friend or more even more difficult.


most couples meet from friends of friend and setting em up-the thing is if ur like me and have none- a lot of aquaintances though what do u do. lol no joke

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