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So confused


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Well i have this friend that's a girl and we talked for 2 hours on the phone last night, we live about 6 houses away from each other, but are just starting to hangout at school and such. During our 2 hour conversation, we talked quite a bit about homecoming, and she kept saying for me to just ask some girl, they'd say yes. She said that if she was asked by anyone she'd say yes, but i was too afraid to ask her right then and there. I;m afraid if she says no that our friendship will be awkward now, and i don't wanna lose her friendship.


Well i want to ask her to homecoming, and i've told my friend about parts of our conversation and he thinks that she was giving off big hints to me to ask her out to homecoming, but i couldn't see them. Well i decided i'd ask her today, but in the morning i overheard her talking to her friend and they were saying how they should go together as friends and not worry about guys. Then i asked her if she still wanted a guy to ask her and she started saying that she doesn't care about homecoming anymore.


I told my friend this and someone else, and they seem to think that she's just saying that to make it seem like that no one has asked her a little better. But i didn't think so, i thought she didn't care anymore. Well i finally got the courage to ask her but i couldn't get her alone at school today, all of our friends (not the one i talked to earlier) surrounded us and then she left, so i'm thinking that i need to ask her quickly, since the dance is on Saturday.


Well i figure i can't get her alone at school, since we hangout with the same people, so i'm thinking about calling her tonight and asking her(i don't really like the idea, but i gotta do what i gotta do right?)


I was just wondering what u people think. Was she giving me hints big time? and do u think she'll still say yes even though she acts like she doesn't care about having a date anymore? I would just like an outside opinion other than someone i know, cuz maybe they are just saying me to ask her so i can finally take action, as i procrastinate a lot and over-analyze everything, like now....


Thanks everybody

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Hmm. Well, I think that she's been dropping some pretty big hints, and that she definitely wants you to go with her. *restrains self from giving advice about who not to go out with* She may very well be playing hard to get. I've tried it before and I know that it doesn't often work well, but it is something that many girls attempt. I mean, come on! Are we supposed to just know what makes guys pay attention? I have had a couple of male friends who I have developed interest for over time. I like it when guys pay attention to me, and care about me, so maybe she feels the same. If you really like her, then go for it! *wince* Sorry, I'm not big with this whole...'happy' concept. Good luck....

peace out,


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dude, ASK HER!! you can just ask her as friends too, it doesnt have to be like a huge date, where your toghether, just be like, well your my friend, and i have no one else i want to ask, so i was just wondering if you wanted to go with me. try it, let me know how it goes.

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well u wanted to know what i did, so here it is:


after she didn't call me back, and then after i saw her at school today, i got the feeling she wasn't in to me anymore, or gave up hope, she didn't give off a good vibe to where i'd ask her, so i'm just gonna give up, it's not worth having every conversation be awkward knowing i want to ask her to the dance.

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