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Still no luck women at all


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Still no luck with women at all. I've been on two dates since I started college again and they both went bad. I just don't know what it is anymore. I'm a sweet, caring, nice, laid-back guy. I treat women with respect. I know it takes patience and everything but it's like I still have no luck at all. I will be 20 in March and still never had a girlfriend. Maybe it's the way I look or something that repels women. I always end up eating alone in the cafeteria. It's not like I look ugly or anything but I'm not tall and handsome either. What is it that repels women from me?

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Perhaps the fact that you think you're repellant? Because I'm not getting the impression that women necessarily do. You've already been on two dates! If you were truly repellant, I seriously doubt you would have gotten one.


Ok, so you're sweet, caring and laid-back. Are you interesting? Do you make eye contact and hold up your end of the conversation? Do you make others feel comfortable? Are you genuinely interested in your dates, or just thinking non-stop about will it turn into a relationship?


You're taking the fun out of dating by expecting too much in the beginning. The point is to get to know people and make sure you both are enjoying yourselves in the moment. You have to give people a chance and you can't be so impatient.


Keep reading books on dating, keep reading books on forging intimacy with others, anything you have to do to expand your knowledge base in this area, and most importantly, KEEP PUTTING YOURSELF OUT THERE.


Here's a great quote that a friend just told me about: "It isn't that something comes along and gives you a reason to get out of bed...you have to get out of bed and go find that reason!"

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I envy you. You have had a couple dates and am younger than I am. Its not that you repel women, its sounds more like you don't stand out to them, just another person in the background. Chicks appear to dig outgoing guys. Chicks usually don't just come up to guys and start talking with them just cause they are eating alone in the caf. Alot of people talk about joining groups/clubs to get to know women. This allows for easy conversation and allows them to get to know you a bit making for a comfortable environment.


Good Luck

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I mean yeah we had a good time and I always try not to make it too serious.


"...you have to get out of bed and go find that reason!"


I don't really understand what this means to be honest.


What are some good tips for forging intimacy with others?

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I envy you. You have had a couple dates and am younger than I am. Its not that you repel women, its sounds more like you don't stand out to them, just another person in the background. Chicks appear to dig outgoing guys. Chicks usually don't just come up to guys and start talking with them just cause they are eating alone in the caf. Alot of people talk about joining groups/clubs to get to know women. This allows for easy conversation and allows them to get to know you a bit making for a comfortable environment.


Good Luck


So do I have to become more outgoing if I want a girlfriend?

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If you are not secure with yourself, I don't want you.


I DO want everything else you described! Respectful...etc.


So...yes. You need to come out of your shell -walk up and talk to ladies.

(not 'chicks')


Don't think they are better than you...and don't think you are better than them. One makes you seem wimpy and one makes you look like a jerk.


Best advice:

Just be yourself. I want a man who KNOWS who he is and where he is going.

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