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7th Month Update

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Hey guys, it's been a while since I've last posted something on here. The BU happened sometime in August of last year (6-yr relationship) and all I can say is that it's been a crazy ride. First off, I'd like to thank my fellow ENA members for being extremely helpful. These boards have provided a ton of insight and definitely helped me throughout this mess. You guys are awesome


So I just got back from my country, spent about a month there. I wasn't so sure about leaving the States a couple of months ago when I was in some serious funk, but my brother finally convinced me to do so. It's been one of the best things I've done in my life. Got to see my family, friends, and met some fantastic people out there, and one of my friendships turned into something else Why wouldn't it? Tall, light-skinned, blonde, green eyes, nice personality and nerdy as hell. Decided to follow my instincts, went after her, and got her. The BU turned me into a bold man. I'm no longer afraid of rejection, success and failure are the same to me: I'm DOING things, regardless of the result. I've been talking to this girl for a while now and I'm planning on keeping it that way for as long as it's possible. She's the best!


As far my ex goes... I'd be lying to you guys if I said I didn't have any feelings for her. I do, it's just that now she's in the archives, along with all the other girls that I wanted badly but for one or reason or another didn't work out (The "Impossible Love" category if you will). She's more of a "nice" memory now than anything... I personally haven't heard from her in a while, but from time to time my friends say she's trying to get me to play her stupid games via Facebook updates and all of that. I'm going to reward her behavior with a double dose of indifference. There, there... Good girl.


What's my advice to you guys? Go out to another country if you can, preferably one where you get outnumbered by members of the opposite gender. I feel rejuvenated after this trip, and even learned some new things about myself, like the fact that I can be a mysterious bastard and leave girls wondering what my next move will be Oh yeah, and there's always someone out there who's better than your ex in every way just waiting for the chance to be with a person like you!


Stay strong everybody. There's a better future waiting for ya out there!

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