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What has love done? - a poem by Phoenixfire


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This is just something i came up with a while ago... i hope you all like it. I know it's long, sorry... I appreciate any and all feedback


What did i do to deserve this pain?

My heart ripped apart again and again.

i thought i found love and i would be okay

but love stayed for a while and then went away.

Leaving behind my blood and my tears,

And the shield that i hid behind all of these years.

I showed you the real me that nobody knew

because i believed and i trusted in you,

I honestly thought you showed me the same,

but i guess in your eyes it was all just a game.


Every time i kissed you my world light up with a glow,

When i held you tight, time just seemed to slow.

The first time we made love i was frightened and scared,

You told me to trust you, and i felt like you cared.

I guess i was right to be so afraid,

i never thought you would leave me feeling betrayed.


When you were in my life, i felt so completed,

Now i'm fighting just to live, but i'm being defeated.

You gutted me, spreading lies and treachery

Saying i tried to force you to make love to me.

Saying i never cared and all i did was lie,

telling other people not to trust "that guy".

Now nobody likes me, no matter what i do,

I just wish i had a real friend, somebody who knew.

Everything you did, everything you said too,

I guess in the end, i was just a pawn for you.

Sensativity and true love are something you lack,

If you need another weapon, i've got plenty of knives in my back.


But even through all of this bittersweet sadness,

i know that somewhere within all this madness,

I learned about how to move on through it all,

i learned that whenever anything falls,

No matter the horror or pain that's inside,

Let your heart be free and don't try to hide,

For every person, it does not matter who,

The end of one thing is the start of a new,

Let yourself see everything you can be,

and i know that you'll turn out better than me.

My heart is in pieces that i can't repair,

but i know i'll find somebody out there who will really care...



So when people ask me "what has love done?",

I can let a tear fall and say;

It broke me, fixed me and broke me again,

But i guess at the end of the day,

i learned how to live and to love and to kiss and above all i learned something new.

Sometimes there are people who just want to have someone or something they can use,

To find the right person i guess i'll just wait and when i feel ready to start,

No matter what happens, when where why or how, i will listen and follow my heart.

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OMG wow. This poem spoke to me and it touched a nerve. I can relate OP =(. You did a fantastic job. Rhyming it without sounding contrived and awkward, and having it be simple enough to understand without delving into deep metaphors (which can be alittle pretentious at times).

Great job!

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